
Science & Technology
Grade 4 2025

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2 1
Sound Energy
Properties of sound
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Mention different types of sound.
Demonstrate that sound travels in all directions.
Have fun when demonstrating different types of sound

In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate that sound travel in all direction using available materials.
What direction does sound travel?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
2 2
Sound Energy
Sound reflection
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Name places that sound can be reflected.
Demonstrate that sound can be reflected.
Have fun when demonstrating that sound can be reflected.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate that sound can be reflected using available materials.
What is an echo?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
2 3
Sound Energy
Sound producing instruments
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

List sound producing instruments in his/her locality.
Make a shaker using locally available materials.
Enjoy using a shaker to produce sound.
Learners are guided to list sound producing instruments.

Learners are guided on how to make a shaker that can produce sound.
How to produce sound using a shaker?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
2 4
Sound Energy
Sound producing instruments
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify sound producing instrument that he/she can make using locally available materials.
Make sound producing instruments from locally available materials.
Have fun making sound producing instruments using locally available instruments.
Learners are guided to identify sound producing instruments found around the locality.

In groups, learners are guided to make sound producing instruments using locally available materials.
How to make sound producing instruments?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 1
Light Energy
Light travels in a straight line
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain how light travels in a straight line.
Demonstrate that light travels in a straight line.
Have fun when demonstrating that light travels in a straight line.
Learners are guided to explain how light travels in a straight line.

In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate and discuss that light travels in a straight line.
Why light travels in a straight line?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 2
Light Energy
Transmission of light through different materials.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify materials that allow transmission of light.
Demonstrate transmission of light through different materials.
Appreciate materials that allow light to transmission of light
Learners are guided to identify materials that allow transmission of light.

In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate transmission of light
What materials allow transmission of light
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 3
Light Energy
Transparent, translucent and opaque materials
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Mention materials that are transparent and translucent.
Explain materials as transparent or translucent or transparent
Appreciate materials that are transparent or translucent or opaque.
Learners are guided to mention and explain transparent, translucent and opaque materials.

What are transparent, translucent and opaque materials?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 4
Light Energy
Transparent, translucent and opaque materials
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Classify materials as transparent, translucent or opaque
Make a projector screen of still images.
Have fun making a projector screen of still images.
Learners to be guided to classify materials as opaque or transparent or translucent

In groups, learners are guided to make a projector screen of still images.
How to classify materials as opaque or translucent or transparent?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 1
Heat Energy
Conduction of heat
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain conduction of heat.
Demonstrate conduction of heat.
Have fun experimenting conduction of heat.
Learners are guided to explain conduction of heat.

In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate conduction of heat.
What is conduction of heat?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 2
Heat Energy
Poor and good conductors
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

List poor and good conductors of heat.
Identify poor and good conductors of heat.
Appreciate poor and good conductors of heat.
Learners are guided to list, identify and explain poor and good conductors of heat.

What are poor and good conductors of heat?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 3
Heat Energy
Uses of poor and good conductors of heat
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Mention uses of good conductors of heat.
Identify uses of good conductors of heat.
Appreciate the uses of good conductors of heat.
Learner are guided to identify uses of good conductors of heat through discussion and pictures
What are uses of good conductors of heat?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 4
Heat Energy
Uses of poor and good conductors of heat
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Mention uses of poor conductors of heat.
Identify uses of poor conductors of heat.
Appreciate the uses of poor conductors of heat.
Learners are guided to identify poor conductors of heat through discussion and pictures.
What are the uses of poor conductors of heat?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 1
Heat Energy
Observing and recording the uses of good and poor conductors of heat
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Give reasons for fixing wooden or plastics handles on utensils.
Observe and record the uses of good and poor conductors of heat.
Have fun observing and recording the uses of good and poor conductors of heat.
Learners are guided on how to observe and record the uses of good and poor conductors of heat.
What are the uses of poor and good conductors of heat?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 2
Heat Energy
Making oven gloves from locally available materials
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain uses of oven gloves.
Make oven gloves.
Have fun and enjoy making oven gloves.
Learners are guided to explain uses of oven gloves

In groups, learners are guided on how to make oven gloves using locally available materials
How to make oven gloves?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 3
Heat Energy
Making fireless cooker from locally available materials
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain uses of fireless cooker.
Make a fireless cooker.
Have fun and enjoy making fireless cooker.
Learners are guided to explain uses of fireless cooker

In groups, learners are guided on how to make fireless cooker using locally available materials
How to make fireless cooker?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 4
Levers as machines
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the meaning of a lever.
Identify lever as a machine used in everyday life.
Appreciate lever as a machine used in everyday life.
Learners are guided to define and identify lever as a machine used in everyday life.

What is a lever?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 1
Levers used in our locality
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify levers used in his/her locality.
Name and draw levers used in his/her locality.
Appreciate the use of levers
Learners are guided to identify, name and draw levers found in their locality.
What are types of levers?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 2
Parts of a lever
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify parts of a lever.
Explain the three parts of a lever.
Appreciate uses of the three parts of a lever.
Learners are guided to identify and explain the three parts of a lever (Fulcrum, load and effort)

What are the parts of a lever?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 3
Making a see-saw
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term see-saw.
Make and use a see-saw.
Have fun and enjoy making a see-saw
Learners are guided as they define the term see-saw.

In groups, learners are guided how to make and use a see-saw.
How to make a see-saw?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 4
Levers that make work easier
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Mention levers that make work easier.
Explain how levers make work easier.
Appreciate levers that make work easier.
Learners are guided to identify and explain how levers make work easier.
How levers make work easier?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 1
Making a beam balance using locally available materials
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Draw and name parts of a beam balance.
Make a beam balance using locally available materials.
Appreciate the use of a beam balance.
Learners are guided to draw and name parts of a beam balance.

In groups, learners are guided to make a beam balance using locally available materials.
What is a beam balance?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 2
Weather and the Sky
Weather conditions Bodies in the sky during the day and at night
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Name bodies in the sky during the day and at night.
Identify and explain the colour of the sky during the day and at night.
Appreciate the bodies and the colours of the sky during the day and at night.
Learners are guided to name, identify and explain the bodies and colours of the sky during the day and at night.
What bodies are found in the sky during the day and at night?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 3
Weather and the Sky
Types of clouds in the sky during the day
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Name the types of clouds in the sky during the day.
Explain the characteristics of different types of clouds (Nimbus and cirrus clouds)
Appreciate the characteristics of different types of clouds.
Learners are guided to name and explain the characteristics of different types of clouds (Nimbus and Cirrus)

What are the characteristics of different types of clouds?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 4
Weather and the Sky
Types of clouds in the sky during the day
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the characteristics of different types of clouds (Cumulus and Stratus clouds)
Discuss the shapes and colours of the clouds.
Appreciate the shapes and colours of the clouds.
Learners are guided to name and explain the characteristics of different types of clouds (Cumulus and Stratus)

In groups, learners are guided to discuss the shapes and colours of the clouds.
What are the shapes and colours of different types of clouds?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 1
Weather and the Sky
Activities done during different weather conditions
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify activities done during different weather conditions.
Name clothes to wear during different weather conditions.
Appreciate activities done during different weather conditions.
Learners are guided to name and identify activities done during different weather conditions.

Learners are guided to name and identify clothes to wear during different weather conditions.
What activities are done during different weather conditions? What types of clothes are worn during different weather conditions?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 2
Weather and the Sky
Importance of weather conditions in the locality
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Outline importance of weather conditions in his/her locality.
Explain the importance of weather conditions on crops.
Appreciate the importance of weather conditions on crops.
Learners are guided to outline and explain the importance of different weather conditions on planting and harvesting of crops.
What are the importance of different weather conditions?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 3
Weather and the Sky
A weather clock
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Make a weather clock.
Display the weather clock and explain how it works.
Have fun and enjoy making a weather clock.
In groups, learners are guided to make a weather clock using available materials and explain how it works.
How to make a weather clock?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 4
Weather and the Sky
Weather chart
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain what is a weather chart
Make a weather chart.
Have fun and enjoy making a weather chart.
In groups, learners are guided to make a weather chart and explain how it works.
How to make a weather chart?
Moran; Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation


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