
Creative Arts & Sports
Grade 8 2025

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1 2
Creating and Performing
Montage; Pictorial composition
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the meaning of montage.
Discuss the characteristics of montage composition.
Appreciate the importance of montage composition.
Learners are guided to define the meaning of montage.
In groups, learners are guided to discuss the characteristics of montage composition.
What is the meaning of montage composition? What are the characteristics of montage composition?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
1 3
Creating and Performing
Interpretation of subject matter
Mounting surfaces
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the materials used to make montage composition.
Interpret subject matter of montage composition.
Appreciate interpretation of subject matter in montage composition.
Identify mounting surfaces.
Collet and prepare mounting surfaces for making montage compositions.
Appreciate the use of mounting surfaces.
Learners are guided to identify the materials used to make montage composition.
In groups, learners are guided to interpret subject matter of montage composition.
In groups, learners are guided to use digital devices to visit a number of websites showing montage pictures and learn more about this technique of picture making.
Learners are guided to identify mounting surfaces.
In groups, learners are guided to collect and prepare mounting surfaces for making montage compositions.
How to interpret subject matter of a montage composition?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
1 4
Creating and Performing
Mounting surfaces
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

List the wild animals in Kenya.
Narrate what they have seen from a film or television programme concerning wild animals in Kenya.
State the importance of taking care of wild animals.
Appreciate the importance of wild animals.
In groups, learners to list the wild animals in Kenya.
In groups, learners to state the importance of taking care of wild animals.
In groups, learners to narrate what they have seen from a film or television programme concerning wild animals in Kenya
Which wild animals are referred as the big five?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
1 5
Creating and Performing
How to create a montage pictorial composition on wild animals
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Outline the procedure to follow when creating a montage composition based on wild animals.
Create a montage composition based on wild animals.
Have fun and enjoy making an interesting and appealing montage composition.
Learners are guided to outline the procedure to follow when creating a montage composition based on wild animals.
Learners are guided to create a montage composition based on wild animals.
How do you create a montage pictorial composition on wild animals?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Painting materials
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
2 1
Middle Distance Races
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Discuss what is happening in learner's book 8 page 80
Describe the body positioning of the athlete in each phase.
Give two examples of races started in the same way as the one on the picture.
Develop a curiosity to learn more about middle distance races.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss what is happening in learner's book 8 page 80
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to describe the body positioning of the athlete in each phase.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to give two examples of races started in the same way as the one on the picture.
What is the body position of the athlete in each phase?
Spotlight; Physical Education and Sports Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 80-81
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
2 2
Middle Distance Races
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Use the link: http://tinurl.com/2p8c7cj2 to watch a video clip on stating position in middle distance races.
Describe the positioning of the runner on the track.
Demonstrate how the event started.
Enjoy watching the video.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to use the link: http://tinurl.com/2p8c7cj2 to watch a video clip on stating position in middle distance races.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to describe the positioning of the runner on the track.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate how the event started.
Where are middle distance races performed?
Spotlight; Physical Education and Sports Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 81-83
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
2 3
Middle Distance Races
Middle Distance Races
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the facility where middle distance races are performed during athletics competitions.
Outline the process of performing the take- off position.
Perform the middle- distance races.
Have fun and enjoy performing the middle- distance races.
Identify the safety measures to observe before engaging in any middle distance racing activities.
Demonstrate take-off position, pacing, stride length and recovery.
Apply the take- off position, pacing, stride length and recovery in middle distance race.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identify the facility where middle distance races are performed during athletics competitions.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to outline the process of performing the take- off position.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to perform the middle- distance races.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identify the safety measures to observe before engaging in any middle distance racing activities.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate take-off position, pacing, stride length and recovery.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to apply the take- off position, pacing, stride length and recovery in middle distance race.
What is the position of the runner on the track?
Spotlight; Physical Education and Sports Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 83-85
Computing devices
Spotlight; Physical Education and Sports Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 85-86
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
2 4
Creating and Performing
Describing melodic intervals in a simple melody.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Use digital devices and musical instrument to sound intervals.
Discuss and describe intervals dictated to them.
Write intervals of music using tonic sol-fa and staff notation in groups.
Appreciate music written in major keys on treble staff.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to use digital devices and musical instrument to sound intervals.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss and describe intervals dictated to them
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss and describe intervals dictated to them
How are different musical features used in interpreting music in staff notation?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
2 5
Creating and Performing
Construction of major scales of C,G,D and A
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Sing the scale of C, G, D and A major ascending and descending using appropriate pitching.
Sing simple melodies using tonic sol-fa and hand signs using metre and tone set.
Identify opening pitch, rhythmic patterns and sing entire selection while keeping a steady beat.
Appreciate music written in staff notation.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to sing the scale of C, G, D and A major ascending and descending using appropriate pitching.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to sing simple melodies using tonic sol-fa and hand signs using metre and tone set.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identify opening pitch, rhythmic patterns and sing entire selection while keeping a steady beat.
How do you construct major scales of C, G, D and A major on treble staff?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 1
Creating and Performing
The scale C major
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Use a piano keyboard to play white keys starting from C to C'.
Sing melodies with scalic motion and different pitch levels.
Sing the C major scale ascending and descending using tonic sol-fa
Appreciate music scale written in staff notation.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to use a piano keyboard to play white keys starting from C to C'.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to sing melodies with scalic motion and different pitch levels.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to sing the C major scale ascending and descending using tonic sol-fa
How do we read the melody based on the scale of C major?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 2
Creating and Performing
The scale of G and D major.
Interpret simple melodies in the key of C,D,G and A major
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Construct the diatonic major scales on treble staff.
Construct major scales of G and D on treble staff.
Sing the scales of G and D ascending and descending using appropriate pitching.
Have fun and enjoy singing.
Sing simple melodies in C, G, D and A major ascending and descending using appropriate pitching.
Read simple melodies in major keys on treble staff.
Appreciate different types of melodies.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to construct the diatonic major scales on treble staff.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to construct major scales of G and D on treble staff.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to sing the scales of G and D ascending and descending using appropriate pitching.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to sing simple melodies in C, G, D and A major ascending and descending using appropriate pitching.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to read simple melodies in major keys on treble staff.
How are different musical features used in interpreting music in a staff notation?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 3
Games; Netball
Chest pass in Netball
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the chest pass in netball.
Demonstrate chest pass in netball by positioning the body arms and legs
Have fun practicing how to chest pass in netball.
In groups, learners are guided to use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the chest pass in netball.
In groups, learners to demonstrate chest pass in netball by positioning the body arms and legs
What is netball?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 4
Games; Netball
Dodging and marking in Netball
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define dodging and marking.
Use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the dodge and marking in netball.
Demonstrate dodge and marking in netball.
Have fun practicing how to dodge and marking in netball.
Learners to define dodging and marking.
In groups, learners to use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the dodge and marking in netball
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate dodge and marking in netball
Why do you think the players are close to each other?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
3 5
Games; Netball
Dodging and marking in Netball
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the drills in dodging and marking.
Play the dodge challenger game.
Have fun and enjoy playing dodge and marking in netball.
In groups, learners to identify the drills in dodging and marking
In groups, learners are guided to play the dodge challenger game
Why should two players look at the same direction?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 1
Games; Netball
Footwork in Netball
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the role of pivoting during a game of Netball.
Use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the compilation of footwork skills in Netball.
Demonstrate double foot landing, single foot landing and pivoting.
Have fun practicing footwork in Netball.
In groups, learners to explain the role of pivoting during a game of Netball.
In groups, learners are guided to use digital device to watch a video clip and observe the compilation of footwork skills in Netball
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate double foot landing, single foot landing and pivoting
What is the role of pivoting during a game of Netball?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 2
Games; Netball
Footwork in Netball
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Explain how to mark a player with a ball during a Netball match.
Practise footwork techniques in Netball games such as, the beeline, the sickle.
Have fun playing netball games.

Watch a flip book animation from a digital device and discuss your observations.
List the tools and materials used when creating a flip book animation.
Appreciate flip book animations.
In groups, learners to explain how to mark a player with a ball during a Netball match
In groups, learners are guided to practice footwork techniques in Netball games such as, the beeline, the sickle
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to:
Watch a flip book animation from a digital device and discuss your observations.
List the tools and materials used when creating a flip book animation.
How do you mark a player with a ball during Netball match?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 3
Games; Netball
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Discuss things to consider when creating a flip book animation.
Write down factors to ensure creation of a smooth transition
Appreciate creating a flip book animation.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to:
Discuss things to consider when creating a flip book animation.
Write down factors to ensure creation of a smooth transition
how do we create a flip book animation?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 4
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term dye and wax.
Recognize the materials used in wax and dye.
Appreciate the materials used in wax and dye.
In groups or in pair, learners are guided to define the term dye and wax.
In groups or in pair, learners are guided to recognize the materials used in wax and dye.
What is dye? What is wax?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
4 5
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the technique in tie, dye and batik.
Analyse tie and dye and batik in fabric decoration.
Appreciate the use of tie, dye and batik in fabric decorations.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to identify the technique in tie, dye and batik.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to analyse tie and dye and batik in fabric decoration.
How do you analyse tie and dye?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 1
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

List the fabrics used in washing and ironing.
Source and prepare a recyclable cotton fabric by washing and ironing.
Appreciate types of fabrics.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to list the fabrics used in washing and ironing.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to source and prepare a recyclable cotton fabric by washing and ironing.
Which type of fabric are ironed?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 2
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify source of artificial dye with emphasis on pigment and fixatives.
Collaboratively prepare natural dye from the environment.
Appreciate the sources of artificial dyes.
Explain the meaning of batik in fabric.
Tie and dye to decorate a fabric for in two colours (diamond and pleating)
Appreciate the uses of batik in fabrics.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to identify source of artificial dye with emphasis on pigment and fixatives.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to collaboratively prepare natural dye from the environment.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to explain the meaning of batik in fabric.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to tie and dye to decorate a fabric for in two colours (diamond and pleating)
What are the sources of artificial dyes?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 3
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Recycle candle wax and beeswax.
Prepare wax for batik from recyclable candle wax and beeswax.
Have fun and enjoy preparing wax for batik.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to recycle candle wax and beeswax.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to prepare wax for batik from recyclable candle wax and beeswax.
How do you preparing wax for batik?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 4
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Prepare the materials to use in batik the fabric.
Batik the fabric using cracked and textured techniques to make a mat.
Have fun and enjoy batiking fabrics.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to prepare the materials to use in batik the fabric.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to batik the fabric using cracked and textured techniques to make a mat
Which materials do use in batik the fabric?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
5 5
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

List the materials used to dye or batik a curtain.
Collaboratively decorate a fabric with either tie and dye/ batik to make a curtain.
Have fun and enjoy decorating fabrics with either tie and dye/batik to make a curtain.
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to list the materials used to dye or batik a curtain
In group or in pairs, learners are guided to collaboratively decorate a fabric with either tie and dye/ batik to make a curtain
Which materials do you to dye or batik a curtain?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 1
Creating and Performing
Multi Media Art
Multi Media Art
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
State the techniques to use to finish a fabric.
Finish the fabric appropriately by dewaxing, ironing and trimming.
Appreciate resist methods of decorating fabric.
Discuss what is animation
Share experiences on animation shows you have seen.
Appreciate animation as a way of creating art.
In pairs, learners are guided to state the techniques to use to finish a fabric.
In pairs, learners are guided to finish the fabric appropriately by dewaxing, ironing and trimming.
In groups, learners are guided to discuss what is animation.
In groups, learners are guided to share experiences on animation shows you have seen.
Which technique did you use to finish a fabric?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Computing devices
Digital devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 2
Descent recorder; G major on staff notation
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term western in music.
Write the scale pf G major on a staff with key signature.
Sing the scale of G major ascending and descending using tonic sol-fa
Enjoy singing the scale of G major.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to define the term western in music.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to write the scale of G major on a staff with key signature.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to sing the scale of G major ascending and descending using tonic sol-fa
What is major scale?
Moran; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 193
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 3
Reading and interpreting the fingering chart for the notes on G major
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Watch a video or a live performance of a person playing the scale of G major on the recorder.
Read the interpret the fingering chart for the notes on G major.
Practice playing individual letters of the scale of G major using the correct fingering.
Enjoy singing the scale of G using the correct fingering.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to watch a video or a live performance of a person playing the scale of G major on the recorder.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to read the interpret the fingering chart for the notes on G major.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to practice playing individual letters of the scale of G major using the correct fingering.
How is the G major scale played?
Moran; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 194-196
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 4
Appropriate techniques for playing the descant recorder
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Watch descant recorder performances.
Identifying techniques used in descant recorder performances.
Apply and demonstrate the fingering and pinching techniques as they play simple tunes.
Appreciate the techniques used in descant recorder performances.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to watch descant recorder performances.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identifying techniques used in descant recorder performances.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to apply and demonstrate the fingering and pinching techniques as they play simple tunes.
Which part of the fingers is used in order to cover the holes correctly? What is the role of the thumb finger on each hand?
Moran; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 197-198
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
6 5
Identifying techniques used in descant recorder performances
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define the term embouchure and tonguing.
Practise playing the scale by separating individual notes using the tonguing technique.
Play a simple melody using tonguing and slurring.
Enjoy singing a simple melody using tonging and slurring.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to define the term embouchure and tonguing.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to practice playing the scale by separating individual notes using the tonguing technique.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to play a simple melody using tonguing and slurring.
How will you achieve balanced and blended sounds on your instruments together?
Moran; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 198-199
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
7 1
Creating and Performing
Basic elements of a verse
Basic elements of a verse
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Define the term poem, outline and persona.
Recite a poem and identify the persona.
Describe the main events which take place in the poem.
Appreciate the importance of a persona in a poem.
Describe the basic elements of a verse.
Watch a recorded performance of a verse to identify, in collaboration with others, elements of a verse.
Describe how the language is used in a verse.
Enjoy watching the recorded performance?
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate by reading aloud short verses to convey elements of a verse.
In groups, learners are guided to recite a poem and identify the persona.
In groups, learners are guided to describe the main events which take place in the poem.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to describe the basic elements of a verse.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to watch a recorded performance of a verse to identify, in collaboration with others, elements of a verse.
What are the characteristic of a verse?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
7 2
Creating and Performing
Theme in verse
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the meaning of a theme.
Discuss theme in verse in relation to issues affecting society.
Watch videos of short verses and identify poetic use of language, meanings and emotions conveyed
Appreciate the use of themes language in communicating meaning.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to explain the meaning of a theme.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss theme in verse in relation to issues affecting society.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to watch videos of short verses and identify poetic use of language, meanings and emotions conveyed
What is a theme in poems?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
7 3
Creating and Performing
Theme in verse
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify an issue affecting their local community and brainstorm on the various themes you can say about it.
Create a web diagram showing an issue and the various themes that can be developed from it.
Have a desire to curb pertinent and contemporary issues in the society.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identify an issue affecting their local community and brainstorm on the various themes you can say about it.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to create a web diagram showing an issue and the various themes that can be developed from it.
How does verse address pertinent and contemporary issues in the society?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation

Mid term

8 3
Creating and Performing
Voice techniques in reading and reciting a verse
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Read aloud short verses to convey meaning and emotions.
Use voice techniques in reading and reciting verse to enhance message delivery.
Appreciate the use of poetic language in communicating meaning.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to read aloud short verses to convey meaning and emotions.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to use voice techniques in reading and reciting verse to enhance message delivery.
How would you use language in a verse?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
8 4
Creating and Performing
Use of body and space techniques in a verse.
Verse Identify a theme for a verse script
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Watch a video clip on how to use body and space techniques in a verse.
Perform a verse using their bodies as a media of communication through gestures.
Appreciate the narrative as a tool for addressing issues in the society.
Watch live or recorded verse performances to help identify pertinent issues in society which can be addressed through verse.
Identify an appropriate theme in society for a verse script in a group.
Appreciate appropriate themes to address specific issues in the community.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to watch a video clip on how to use body and space techniques in a verse.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to perform a verse using their bodies as a media of communication through gestures.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to:
Watch live or recorded verse performances to help identify pertinent issues in society which can be addressed through verse.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to identify an appropriate theme in society for a verse script in a group.
How can the body communicate without use of words?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
8 5
Creating and Performing
Verse; Writing a poem
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain what they understand by the theme of child rights, care and protection.
Script a verse with a clear structure and developed persona to address the selected theme in the community in collaboration with other learners
Appreciate creative verse writing to address specific issues in the community.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to: explain what they understand by the theme of child rights, care and protection.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to: Choose a topic from the theme, narrate their experience based on the topic of choice
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to script a verse with a clear structure and developed persona to address the selected theme in the community in collaboration with other learners.
What is a theme of a verse? From which sources do poets get the idea for writing their poems?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
9 1
Creating and Performing
Verse; Using poetic devices to write a verse
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify poetic devices from a playing activity.
Draft a verse script with a clear structure and developed persona using poetic devices.
Have fun revising and proofreading the script to improve it.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to identify poetic devices from a playing activity.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to draft a verse script with a clear structure and developed persona using poetic devices.
Who is a persona in a poem? What is a draft?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
9 2
Creating and Performing
Verse; Improvising props
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Gather relevant materials for making props from within and without the school.
Create relevant props using locally available materials to enhance verse delivery.
Take pride in the improvised props.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to gather relevant materials for making props from within and without the school.
Learners are guided in pairs, in groups or individually to create relevant props using locally available materials to enhance verse delivery.
How can you improvise a television using locally available materials? Which effects are created by choice of diction, themes and props?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
9 3
Creating and Performing
Verse Persona's point of view
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Discuss how a persona's point of view expresses meaning in a verse.
Rehearse the verse to internalize the persona.
Appreciate the use of persona in poems.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to discuss how a persona's point of view expresses meaning in a verse.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to rehearse the verse to internalize the persona.
What is the theme of the verse?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
9 4
Creating and Performing
Verse; Using body and space appropriately in a performance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Brainstorm how one would use verbal technique to enhance performance of a selected verse.
Perform a verse using voice techniques to convey the intended message.
Appreciate the use of verbal techniques to enhance performance.
State ways in which verse performance express issues in the society.
Use body and space appropriately in performing a verse to convey the intended message.
Develop curiosity in defining the persona point of view.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to brainstorm how one would use verbal technique to enhance performance of a selected verse.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to perform a verse using voice techniques to convey the intended message.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state ways in which verse performance express issues in the society.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to use body and space appropriately in performing a verse to convey the intended message.
How do we make the presentation of a verse interesting and memorable?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
9 5
Creating and Performing
Verse; Appreciating verse performance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

List ways we can make presentation of a verse interesting and memorable.
Watch a video clip on verse performance features.
Appreciate the use of poetic language, voice, paralinguistic features and stage movements as complementary elements in verse performance.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to list ways we can make presentation of a verse interesting and memorable.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to watch a video clip on verse performance features.
How do we make the presentation of a verse interesting and memorable?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
10 1
Creating and Performing
Use of body, voice and space aids to effectively communicate the intended message
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain how the use of body, voice and space aids to effectively communicate the intended message.
Demonstrate the use of body, voice and space.
Appreciate the narrative as a tool of addressing contemporary issues in society.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to explain how the use of body, voice and space aids to effectively communicate the intended message.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate the use of body, voice and space
How does character development in narratives mirror the society?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
10 2
Creating and Performing
Use of costumes and props to enhance communication in a narrative
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the role of the costumes and props in a narrative
Demonstrate the use of costume and props enhances communication in narrative
Appreciate the narrative as a tool of addressing contemporary issues in society.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to explain the role of the costumes and props in a narrative.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate the use of costume and props enhances communication in narrative.
What is the role of costume and decor in the narration process?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
10 3
Creating and Performing
Verse; criteria for evaluating a verse performance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Examine the criteria for evaluating a verse performance
Watch a video clip on verse performance.
Appreciate the use of verse to communicate issues in society.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to examine the criteria for evaluating a verse performance
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to watch a video clip on verse performance.
What does one look for when evaluating a verse?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
10 4
Creating and Performing
Examine main characters and events in verse
Use of body, voice and space in a verse
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Examine main characters and events in a verse.
Comment on the
significance of the values promoted in verse.
Appreciate the use of verse to communicate issues in society.
State the meaning of a verse.
Analyze the use of body, voice and space to effectively communicate topical concerns in verse.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to Examine main characters and events in a verse.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to Comment on the significance of the values
promoted in verse
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to state the meaning of a verse
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to analyze the use of body, voice and space to effectively communicate topical concerns in verse.
What is the role of verse in shaping the learner's perspective in society?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
10 5
Creating and Performing
Using verse to communicate issues in society
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Analyze the use of body, voice and space to effectively communicate topical concerns in verse.
Demonstrate the use of a verse to communicate issues in the society.
Appreciate the use of verse to communicate issues in society.
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to analyze the use of body, voice and space to
effectively communicate
topical concerns in verse
In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate the use of a verse to communicate issues in the society.
How do these elements help communicate the message better?
Curriculum Design; Creative Arts and Sports, Grade 8
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
11 1
Creating and Performing
Elements of a cultural creative dance.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the meaning of culture.
Study the picture in learner's book 8 and answer the questions that follows.
Have a desire to learn more about cultural creative dances.
In pairs, learners are guided to explain the meaning of culture.
In pairs, learners are guided to Study the picture in learner's book 8 page 34 and answer the questions that follows.
In pairs, learners are guided to discuss the elements of a cultural creative dance.
What is culture? What is cultural creative dance?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 34-35
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
11 2
Creating and Performing
Developing plot for a cultural creative dance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Brainstorm and list five issues affecting their community that can be addressed through a cultural creative dance.
Watch a cultural creative dance using the link: https://tinyurl.com/cyba7ms5
Appreciate the importance of developing plot for a cultural creative dance.
In small groups, learners are guided to brainstorm and list five issues affecting their community that can be addressed through a cultural creative dance.
In small groups, learners are guided to Watch a cultural creative dance using the link: https://tinyurl.com/cyba7ms5
In small groups, learners are guided to develop a plot for a cultural creative dance that will address the issue. Come up with events that will form the beginning, conflict, rising action climax resolution.
How are the events in a cultural creative dance presented?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 35-37
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
11 3
Creating and Performing
The role of songs and instruments in the cultural creative dance
Making simple dance movements to varied cultural idioms
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Name the musical instruments that are used in the cultural creative dances of their community.
Explain the role played by musical instruments in a cultural creative dances.
Appreciate the role of songs and instruments in the cultural creative dance.
Develop a simple plot for a cultural creative dance that will aid in addressing any issue affecting their community.
Creatively improvise dance movements that can be used to demonstrate different actions such as, farming, selling, winnowing, milking and digging.
Enjoy making simple dance movements to varied cultural idioms.
Learners are guided to name the musical instruments that are used in the cultural creative dances of their community.
As a class, learners are guided to sing the folk song in learner's book 8 page 38
Learners to research and explain in groups the role played by musical instruments in a cultural creative dances.
In pairs, learners are guided to develop a simple plot for a cultural creative dance that will aid in addressing any issue affecting their community.
In pairs, learners are guided to creatively improvise dance movements that can be used to demonstrate different actions such as, farming, selling, winnowing, milking and digging.
In pairs, learners are guided to demonstrate the dance steps and movements in synchronized, unified and well
How are the songs and musical instruments used in cultural creative dances?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 37-39
Digital devices
Computing devices
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 39-40
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
11 4
Creating and Performing
Functions of cultural creative dances in the society
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Watch cultural creative dances from the Kenya National Drama and Film Festivals.
List down the functions of cultural creative dance in the society.
Appreciate the functions of cultural creative dances in the society.
With the help of your teacher, learners to watch cultural creative dances from the Kenya National Drama and Film Festivals.
With the help of your teacher, learners to try and figure out the story conveyed in the dances by paying attention to the dramatization.
With the help of your teacher, learners to List down the functions of cultural creative dance in the society.
How does cultural creative dance benefit the community from which it is derived or originates?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 41-42
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
11 5
Creating and Performing
Creating a storyline for a cultural creative dance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Outline the steps to follow to create a storyline for a cultural creative dance.
Choose songs to develop the theme of the storyline in a cultural creative dance.
Appreciate the importance of a theme in a storyline in a cultural creative dance.
In groups, the learners are guided to outline the steps to follow to create a storyline for a cultural creative dance.
In groups, the learners are guided to choose songs to develop the theme of the storyline in a cultural creative dance.
In groups, the learners are guided to practise singing the songs they choose.
What criteria would you use to choose songs for a cultural creative dance?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 71-73
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
12 1
Creating and Performing
Creating dance steps, formations and patterns for the cultural creative dance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Watch the short link provided to see how some simple dance moves are made. https://timyurl.com/ykvyyc78
Create their own relevant and appropriate dance steps, patterns and formations.
Have fun and enjoy creating dance steps, formations and patterns for the cultural creative dance.
In groups, learners are guided to watch the short link provided to see how some simple dance moves are made. https://timyurl.com/ykvyyc78
In groups, learners are guided to create their own relevant and appropriate dance steps, patterns and formations.
In groups, learners are guided to practise and rehearse the dance steps.
How do music, body and space help in creating formations and patterns to develop the storyline in the cultural creative dance?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 73-75
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
12 2
Creating and Performing
Making costumes, make-up, ornaments and props
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify the characters that one would use for the storyline for a cultural creative dance.
Source for costumes, make-ups, ornaments and props.
Appreciate the importance of making costumes, make-up, ornaments and props.
In groups, learners are guided to identify the characters that one would use for the storyline for a cultural creative dance.
In groups, learners are guided to discuss the costumes, ornaments, props and make-up that would portray the character and mood of the cultural creative dance for the storyline.
In groups, learners are guided to source for costumes, make-ups, ornaments and props.
What would you consider whole making or selecting costumes, make-up ornaments or props to use in a cultural creative dance?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 75-76
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
12 3
Creating and Performing
Writing a script for the cultural creative performance
Ideas and themes in a cultural creative dance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify the components of a cultural creative dance script.
Write a script for the cultural creative performance.
Appreciate different types of folk dances.
Identify the ideas or milestone of the cultural creative dance. Describe how they are organised and expressed by the performers.
Choose a theme for a cultural dance and explain ways in which they can interpret the theme and ideas in a performance of a cultural creative dance.
Appreciate the ideas and themes in a cultural creative dance.
Learners are guided to identify the components of a cultural creative dance script.
Learners are guided to write a script for the cultural creative performance.
Learners are guided to state the importance of including action, characters, patterns and formations while writing a script for a cultural creative dance.
In groups, learners are guided to identify the ideas or milestone of the cultural creative dance. Describe how they are organised and expressed by the performers.
In groups, learners are guided to choose a theme for a cultural dance and explain ways in which they can interpret the theme and ideas in a performance of a cultural creative dance.
In groups, learners are guided to sing songs to communicate messages in a cultural creative dance story.
What are the components of a cultural creative dance script?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 76-79
Digital devices
Computing devices
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 132-134
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
12 4
Creating and Performing
Playing musical instruments to enrich performance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State the role of musical instruments in a cultural creative dance.
Demonstrate how they can dance to simple music beats with smooth transitions responding to tempo.
Have fun and enjoy playing musical instruments to enrich performance.
In groups, learners are guided to state the role of musical instruments in a cultural creative dance.
In groups, learners are guided to observe and discuss how the dance formations help to convey the message in the cultural creative dance.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate how they can dance to simple music beats with smooth transitions responding to tempo.
How do musical instruments contribute to the message of a cultural creative dance?
Spotlight; Performing Arts Learner's Book Grade 8 pg. 134-137
Digital devices
Computing devices
Oral questions Oral Report Observation
12 5
Creating and Performing
Kenyan Folk Dance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Identify what makes a good folk dance performance.
Perform a folk dance from a Kenyan community.
Appreciate different cultures through performing folk dances from diverse Kenyan communities and casted masks.
As a class, learners are guided to identify what makes a good folk dance performance.
As a class, learners are guided to perform a folk dance from a Kenyan community.
As a class, learners are guided to give feedback on own and others' make-up and dance techniques
How do folk dances represent Kenyan culture? What makes a good folk dance performance?
Oral questions Oral Report Observation

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