
Form 3 2025

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2 2-3
Linear Motion
Introduction of linear motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration

Defining distance, speed, displacement, velocity and acceleration

Charts on motion
Inclined planes
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 1
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 1-7 
2 4
Linear Motion
Determining velocity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to determine velocity

Describing experiments on velocity

Stop watches
Graph paper
Ticker timer
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 4-6 
2 5
Linear Motion
Motion time graphs
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Plot and explain motion time graphs

Plotting and interpreting motion-time graphs

Appropriate charts on velocity time and distance graphs
Graph paper
Data showing different distance, velocity and time
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 5-9
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 8-18
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 4-6 
3 1
Linear Motion
Measuring speed, velocity and acceleration
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to determine and measure speed, velocity and acceleration

Describing experiments to determine and measure speed velocity & acceleration

Ticker timer
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 18-25 
3 2-3
Linear Motion
Measuring speed, velocity and acceleration
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to determine and measure speed, velocity and acceleration

Describing experiments to determine and measure speed velocity & acceleration

Ticker timer
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 18-25 
3 4
Linear Motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe acceleration

Describing acceleration
Problem solving

Charts on acceleration
Data on velocity and time
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 7-8 
3 5
Linear Motion
Equations of motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Derive and apply the equations of uniform acceleration

Stating the equations of motion
Deriving the equations of motion
Applying the equations of motion

Worked examples on motion
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 7-9
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages3-5
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 26-29 
4 1
Linear Motion
Acceleration due to gravity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Determine acceleration due to gravity by free-fall and simple pendulum

Determining acceleration by tree-fall and pendulum method

Pendulum bob
Stop watches
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 3-5
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 29-36 
4 2-3
Linear Motion
Acceleration due to gravity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Determine acceleration due to gravity by free-fall and simple pendulum

Determining acceleration by tree-fall and pendulum method

Pendulum bob
Stop watches
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 3-5
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 29-36 
4 4
Newton?s Law?s Of Motion
Newton?s Laws of motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State the Newton?s laws of motion
State and explain the significance of a Newton?s laws of motion
Describe simple experiments to illustrate inertion

Discussion on Newton?s laws
Experiments to illustrate
? Education Plus Agencies
Newton?s laws of motion

Inclined plane
Spring balances
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 23-27
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 87-102 
4 5
Newton?s Law Of Motion
Conservation of linear momentum Elastic collision Inelastic collision Recoil velocity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to:
State the law of conservation of momentum
Define elastic and inelastic collisions
Determine recoil velocity

Discussions of the laws of conservation of linear momentum
Determining recoil velocity

Meter rules
Stop watches
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 28-30
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 103-108 
5 1
Newton?s Law Of Motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define friction
State and explain types of frictions
Describe and experiment to illustrate friction and state the applications of friction
State laws of friction

Defining friction
Stating and explaining types of frictions
Describing an experiment to illustrate friction
Stating the applications of the frictions
Stating laws of friction

Block of wood
Spring balance
Flat surface
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 28-39
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 109-115 
5 2-3
Newton?s Law Of Motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define friction
State and explain types of frictions
Describe and experiment to illustrate friction and state the applications of friction
State laws of friction

Defining friction
Stating and explaining types of frictions
Describing an experiment to illustrate friction
Stating the applications of the frictions
Stating laws of friction

Block of wood
Spring balance
Flat surface
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 28-39
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 109-115 
5 4
Newton?s Laws Of Motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to:
Define viscosity
Explain the concept of terminal velocity

Distinguishing viscous from- non-viscous liquids
Defining viscous liquids
Defining and explaining terminal viscosity

Ball bearings
Stat watches
Meter rule
Measuring cylinders
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages33
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 115-119 
5 5
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define energy
Describe various forms of energy

Defining energy
Stating the forms of energy
Identifying and describing energy transformation

Chart on the forms of energy and transformation
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages34-35
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 17-18
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 121,122-125 
6 1
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Sources of energy Renewable Non-renewable
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Discussion on the sources of energy
Descriptions of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Chart on the sources of energy
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages41
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 19-21
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 121,122-125
6 2-3
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Sources of energy Renewable Non-renewable
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Discussion on the sources of energy
Descriptions of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Chart on the sources of energy
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages41
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 19-21
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 121,122-125
6 4
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Kinetic energy Potential energy power
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

define power
explain the meaning of power potential and kinetic energies
distinguish between kinetic energy and potential energy

Discussion and the meanings of kinetic energy and potential energy
Defining power
Distinguishing between kinetic energy and potential energy

Object that can be lifted
Spring balance
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 43-45
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 18-22
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 126-132,134-136 
6 5
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Simple machines
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State and describe the efficiency of various machines

Discussion on efficiency of different machines
Experiments to illustrate efficiency of various machines
Problem solving

Inclined planes
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 45-51
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 18-22
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 137-159 




9 1
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
The law of conservation of energy
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State the laws of conservation of energy
Explain the applications of the laws of conservations of energy

Discussion on the law of conservation of energy

Chart on the laws of conservation of energy
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 41-42
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 20-21
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 132-134 
9 2-3
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
The law of conservation of energy
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State the laws of conservation of energy
Explain the applications of the laws of conservations of energy

Define work
Explain the concept of work and energy

Discussion on the law of conservation of energy

Experiment on work done by moving objects through a distance
Problem solving

Chart on the laws of conservation of energy

Wooden block
Spring balance
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 41-42
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 20-21
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 132-134 
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 42-43
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 18-22
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 125-132 
9 4
Current Electricity Ii
Electric current Scale reading
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define potential
Differentiate and state its SI units
Measure potential difference and current in a circuit

Defining potential difference
Measuring P.d
Discussion on p.d and current
Experiments to illustrate p.d and current

Connecting wires
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 54-55
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 161-164 
9 5
Current Electricity Ii
Electric current Scale reading
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define potential
Differentiate and state its SI units
Measure potential difference and current in a circuit

Defining potential difference
Measuring P.d
Discussion on p.d and current
Experiments to illustrate p.d and current

Connecting wires
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 54-55
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 161-164 
10 1
Current Electricity Ii
Ohm?s Law
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Derive and verify ohm?s law
State ohm?s law

Experiments verifying ohm?s law
Stating ohm?s law

Dry cells
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 55-57
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 168-171
10 2-3
Current Electricity Ii
Measurement of resistance
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiment to measure resistance using ? voltmeter method
The Wheatstone bridge method
The meter bridge

Experiments to measure resistance of materials

Connecting wires
Resistance wire
Dry cells
Meter bridge
Wheatstone bridge
Resisters with known resistance
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 57-59
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 26-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 177-180
10 4
Current Electricity
Ammeters and voltmeters
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Measure potential difference and current in a circuit using the ammeters

Scale reading
Converting units of measurements
Discussing simple electric circuits

Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 54-55
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 164-168 
10 5
Current Electricity
Voltage-current relationships
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define resistance and state its SI unit
Determine experientially the voltage current
Relationship for resistance in series and parallel

Defining resistance
Experiments to determine the relationship between voltage-current

Resistance wire
Connecting wires
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 57-59
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 26-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 171-177 
11 1
Current Electricity
Effective resistance for registers in series and parallel
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Derive effective resistance

Discussions on deriving the effective resistance
Deriving effective resistance of registers in parallel and series

Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 60-66
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 180-189
11 2-3
Current Electricity
Effective resistance for registers in series and parallel
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Derive effective resistance

Discussions on deriving the effective resistance
Deriving effective resistance of registers in parallel and series

Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 60-66
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 180-189
11 4
Current Electricity
E.m.f and internal resistance (E=V+1r)
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Determine e.m.f
Explain the internal resistance of a cell

Explanation on internal resistance
Demonstration on e.m.f and internal resistance
Discussion on e.m.f

Connecting wires
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 62-63
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 190-195 
11 4-5
Current Electricity
E.m.f and internal resistance (E=V+1r)
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Determine e.m.f
Explain the internal resistance of a cell

Explanation on internal resistance
Demonstration on e.m.f and internal resistance
Discussion on e.m.f

Connecting wires
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 62-63
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 24-28
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 190-195 




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