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2 | 1 |
Meaning and importance of communication.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the term communication. State purposes of communication. |
Brainstorming Brief discussion. |
student book
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 59-60
2 | 2 |
Lines of communication.
Essentials of effective communication. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Classify lines of communication on basis of level of communicating parties. Classify lines of communication on basis of nature of message. Identify essential elements of effective communication. |
Probing questions on vertical, horizontal & diagonal communications.
Exposition of formal & informal communications. Exposition of new terms e.g. encoding, decoding, feedback. Brief discussion. |
Chart: block diagram of essential components of effective communication. |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 60-61
2 | 3 |
Forms and means of communication.
Oral communication.
Radio calls & paging. Written communication. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State merits and demerits of face-to-face communication. State merits and demerits of telephones and mobile phones. Outline features of a radio call and a pager. State merits & demerits of radio calls and paging. State merits and demerits of written communication. Identify means of written communication. |
Oral questions;
Discussion. Exposition. Brief discussion. Q/A to review office equipment; Brain storming; Exposition of new terms; |
student book
newspaper |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 63-65
2 | 4 |
Audio ?visual and other forms of communication.
Choosing means of communication. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define audio-visual form of communication. Identify and Explain some audio-visual forms of communication. State factors considered when choosing means of communications. |
Exposition of new concepts.
Identifying common signs, e.g. road signs, signs of danger, HIV/Aids etc. Oral questions; Brief discussion. |
Diagrams of signs used in communication.
student book |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 71-75
3 | 1 |
Barriers to effective communication.
Services facilitating communication. -mailing services. Telephone and broadcasting services. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Highlight some barriers to effective communication. Mentions some mailing services. Explain how telephones, broadcasting & telecasting facilitate communication. |
Brief discussion and questions.
Exposition of new ideas of communication; Brief discussion. Oral questions; |
student book
newspaper |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 75-76
3 | 2 |
E-mail & Internet.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain emerging issues relating to use of e-mails & internet. |
Exposition of new terms such as e-mail address, on-line, cyber caf?, etc.
Practical activities: accessing the internet, opening e-mail address. |
Computer, modem, mobile phone.
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 80-82
3 | 3 |
Importance of warehouses to a business.
Essentials of a warehouse. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the term warehouse. Explain the importance of warehousing to a business. Identify important features and resources of a warehouse. |
Probing questions;
Exposition; Discussion. |
text book
Pg 83-84 |
3 | 4 |
Private warehouse.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Classify private warehouses on basis of ownership. State merits & demerits of a private warehouse. |
Oral questions; Discussion. |
Chart ? classification of warehouses.
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 85-86
4 | 1 |
Public warehouse.
Bonded warehouses. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify services provided by public ware houses. State merits & demerits of a public warehouse. Classify warehouses on goods stored. Outline features of a bonded warehouse. State merits and demerits of bonded warehouse. |
Brain storming;
Oral questions; Discussion. Expose new concepts. |
newspaper |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 86-87
4 | 2 |
Free warehouses.
Introduction. Definitions. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline features of free warehouses. State merits and demerits of free warehouses. Explain the terms contingencies, hazards or perils. Define the terms insurance. Give meanings of terms used in insurance. |
Oral questions; Discussion. Exposition, Detailed discussion. |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 89-90
4 | 3 |
Importance of insurance.
The theory of
Pooling of risks.
Principles of Insurance: Classes of insurance: Life assurance. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain the importance of insurance. Explain the law of large numbers in operations of an insurance business. Outline benefits of pooling of risks to an insurance company. Explain the principles of insurance. Describe various types of life assurance contracts. State characteristics of life assurance. |
Brain storming;
Exposition of new concepts; Discussion. Expository Approaches; Explanations; |
magazines,text book Chart ? types of insurance covers. |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 92-93
4 | 4 |
General insurance or property insurance.
Accident insurance. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Give examples of risks insured under general insurance cover. Outline characteristics of general insurance. Identify covers offered under motor policies and general accident policies. |
Brain storming;
Exposition of new concepts; Oral questions; Discussion. |
business enviroment
text book |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 101
5 | 1 |
Marine insurance.
Premiums & Re-insurance. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify policies offered under Outline factors considered when determining premiums to be charged. Identify factors that may necessitate re-insurance. |
Exposition of new concepts;
Discussion. Brain storming; |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 104-5
5 | 2 |
Obtaining an insurance policy & compensation.
Insurance versus Gambling. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe the procedure for taking an insurance policy Describe the procedure for claiming compensation. Draw contrast between insurance and gambling. |
Discussion. Oral questions & brief discussion; Review questions. |
video,newspaper |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 108-9
5 | 3 |
Purposes of product promotion.
Personal selling of products. Personal selling procedure. Advantages & disadvantages of personal selling. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Give the meaning of a product and product promotion. Explain the purposes of product promotion. Explain factors considered when choosing method of product promotion. Describe personal selling of product as a method of product promotion. Cite circumstances when personal selling of products is appropriate. Outline qualities of a good salesperson. Highlight steps involved in personal selling. State advantages &disadvantages of personal selling. |
Brain storming;
Oral questions; Explanations; Discussion. Simulations / role playing; |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 111-2
5 | 4 |
Shows, trade fairs and exhibitions.
Advertising. Definition & aims of advertising. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline roles of shows, trade fairs and exhibitions in product promotion. Define the term advertising. State aims of advantages. |
Probing questions;
Discussion. Brain storming; Oral questions; |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 114-6
6 | 1 |
Types of advertising.
Advertisement media. Newspapers, magazines and periodicals. Posters, billboards & transit advertising. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline types of advertising. State advantages and disadvantages of advertising in newspapers, magazines and periodicals. State advantages and disadvantages posters, billboards & transit advertising. |
Oral questions; Discussion. Brain storming; Probing questions |
text book
newspaper,magazines television,text book |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 118-9
6 | 2 |
Electronic advertising.
Advertising agencies. Advantages & disadvantages of Advertisement. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State advantages and disadvantages of advertising on radio, TV and cinema. Highlight functions of Advertising agencies. State advantages & disadvantages of advertisement to the consumers, producers and manufacturers. |
Probing questions
Discussion. Oral questions; |
tv,newspaper |
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 124-6
6 | 3 |
Public relations. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline impact of positive and negative publicity on product promotion. State advantages & disadvantages of publicity. Give examples of public relations activities. public relations as a method of product promotion. |
Probing questions;
Explanations; Discussion. |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK II Pg 128-9
6 | 4 |
Other methods of product promotion.
Sales promotion Definition and importance. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Highlight other methods of product promotion. State advantages & disadvantages of named method. Define the term sales promotion State the importance of sales promotion. |
Probing questions and brief discussion on window display, direct mail advertising, cataloguing, discounts, coupons, etc.
Oral questions; Discussion. |
text book,tv
tv,magazines |
New Inventor KLB BOOK IIPg 131-133.
7 | 1 |
Methods of sales promotion.
Ethical issues in product promotion. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe various methods of sales promotion. Outline factors influencing choice of promotion method. Highlight some ethical issues related to product promotion. |
Brain storming;
Discussion. Exposition; Open discussion. |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK IIPg 134-5
7 | 2 |
Current trends and emerging issues in product promotion.
Definition of demand. Factors influencing demand. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain the impacts of current trends and emerging issues in product promotion. Define demand and effective demand. State factors that influence demand of a commodity. |
Probing questions on effects of internet & HIV/AIDS, influence on the youth, pollution, mobile phones, convoys, etc.
Open discussion. Brain storming; Exposition; Discussion. |
text book |
New Inventor KLB BOOK IIPg 136-8
7-8 |
CAT 1 |
8-9 |
9 | 2 |
Factors influencing demand.
Demand schedule for an individual or entire market. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain factors that influence demand of a commodity. Prepare and interpret a demand schedule for an individual or entire market. |
Discussion. Interpreting a demand schedule; Brief discussion. |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK IIIPg 2-5
9 | 3 |
Demand curves.
Movement along, and shift in demand curves. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Illustrate law of demand graphically. Explain movement along the demand curve. Illustrate an increase / decrease in demand graphically. |
Guided plotting of demand curves.
Discussion. Q/A: review law of demand. Curve sketching & explanations. |
Graph papers.
Chart- increasing and decreasing -supply. |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 7-8
9 | 4 |
Factors influencing supply of a product.
Supply schedule and supply curve. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain factors that influence demand of a commodity. Draw supply curve from a supply schedule. |
Discussion. Practical exercise. |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 9-13
10 | 1 |
Movement along the curve.supply curve.
Shift in supply curve. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain changes in supply with changes in prices of the commodity. Identify incidents where a supply curve expands to the right or left. Explain the effect of decreasing supply. |
Probing questions,
Graphical illustrations. Exposition; discussion |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 15-
10 | 2 |
Equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity.
Equilibrium price and quantity. (graphical method) |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the terms equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity. Use demand and supply schedule to determine equilibrium price. Determine equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity graphically. |
Examine schedules;
Make deductions; Discussion. Graphical methods; Make deductions. |
Demand and supply schedule.
Graph papers. |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 16-17
10 | 3 |
Effects of change in demand on the equilibrium.
Effects of change in supply on the equilibrium. Excess demand and excess supply. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain the effects of change in demand on the equilibrium. Explain the effects of change in supply on the equilibrium. Define excess demand and excess supply. |
Explanations and graphical illustrations.
Brain storming; Discussion. Discussion & graphical illustrations. |
text book |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 19-21
10 | 4 |
Other methods of determining the price of a product.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline other methods of determining the price o a product. |
Probing questions; Discussion. |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 20-21
11 | 1 |
Concept of firm and industry.
Size of a firm. Location of a firm. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Differentiate between a firm and an industry. Identify factors influencing goods and services to produce. Outline ways of determining size of a firm. Identify factors influencing location of a firm. |
Exposition of new concepts;
Oral questions; Guided discussion. Detailed discussion. |
text book
chart |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 23-24
11 | 2 |
Localization of a firm.
Delocalization of a firm. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline factors that encourage localization of a firm. State advantages and disadvantages of localization of a firm. Outline factors that encourage delocalization of a firm. State advantages and disadvantages of delocalization of a firm. |
Oral questions; Discussion. |
text book |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 27-28
11 | 3 |
Internal economies of scale.
External economies of scale.
Internal and external diseconomies of scale. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the term economy of scale. Outline various economies of scale associated with a firm. Outline benefits accruing to a firm as a result of growth of the whole industry. Define the term diseconomies of scale. Highlight some internal and external diseconomies of scale. |
Exposition of new concepts.
Discussion. Oral questions; |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 29-30
11 | 4 |
Existence of small firms.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Give reasons that contribute to existence of small firms. |
Brain storming;
Oral questions; Discussion. |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 32-33
12 | 1 |
Negative impact of production activities on the environment.
Maintaining a healthy environment. Introduction. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Highlight adverse effects arising from production activities. Outline factors that contribute to a healthy business environment. Define the term market and marketing. Identify elements that dictate the type of market. |
Probing questions and discussion on
adverse effects of air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution & solid waste pollution. Brain storming; Discussion. Oral questions; Probing questions; Guided discussion. |
text book
chart |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 33-35
12 | 2 |
Perfect competition market.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline features of a perfect market. |
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 41-42
12 | 3 |
Monopoly power. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify features of a monopoly market. Outline ways of acquiring a monopoly power. |
Exposition of new ideas; Detailed discussion.
text book
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 42-43
12 | 4 |
Monopolistic competition.
Oligopoly. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline features of a monopolistic competition. Describe price & output determination under monopolistic competition. Describe features of an oligopolistic market. |
Exposition, discussion and sketching illustrative graphs.
Exposition; Probing questions; Discussion. |
chat,text book
text book |
New Inventor KLB BOOK III Pg 45-46
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