
Form 3 2025

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2 1
Waves I
Pulses and waves
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe the information of pulses and waves

Describing the formation of pulses and waves

Ripple frank
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 67
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 34-35
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 173-176 7
2 2
Waves I
Pulses and waves
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe the information of pulses and waves

Describing the formation of pulses and waves

Ripple frank
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 67
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 34-35
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 173-176 7
2 3-4
Waves I
Transverse and longitudinal pulse and waves
Characteristics of waves
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe transverse and longitudinal pulses and waves

Define amplitude (a), the wave length (l) the frequency (f) and the period (T) of a wave

Distinguishing between transverse and longitudinal pulses and waves
Forming pulse and waves

Describing and defining the characteristics of waves

Sources of transverse and longitudinal waves

Ripple tank
Chart showing the characteristics of waves
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 67-69
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 34-35
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 170-173
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 69-71
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 34-35
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 174-183 
2 5
Waves I
Characteristics of waves
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define amplitude (a), the wave length (l) the frequency (f) and the period (T) of a wave

Describing and defining the characteristics of waves

Ripple tank
Chart showing the characteristics of waves
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 69-71
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 34-35
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 174-183 
3 1
Production of sounds
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate that sound is produced by vibrating objects

Producing sound by vibrating strings, tins and bottles

Tuning forks
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 73
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 186-189 93
3 2
Production of sounds
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Demonstrate that sound is produced by vibrating objects

Producing sound by vibrating strings, tins and bottles

Tuning forks
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 73
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 186-189 93
3 3-4
Nature of sound waves
Propagation of sounds
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe the nature of sound waves

By the end of the the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Show that light does not travel in vacuum

Describing and observing the characteristics of sound waves using the echo methods to find the speed of sound

Demonstrating that sound requires a materials random for perpetration

Open tube
Closed tube

Bell jar
Vacuum pump
Electric bell
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 74-76
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 194 
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 74
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 190-193
3 5
Propagation of sounds
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

By the end of the the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Show that light does not travel in vacuum

Demonstrating that sound requires a materials random for perpetration

Bell jar
Vacuum pump
Electric bell
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 74
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 190-193
4 1
Speed of sound
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Determine the speed of sound in air by echo methods

Investigating the factors determining the speed of sound

Stop clock/watch
Chart on procedure for formulating the speed of sound
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 77-78
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 190-193 
4 2
Factors affecting the speed of sound
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State factors that affect the speed of sound

Discussing how different aspects of nature affects the speed of sound

Sources of sound
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 78-79
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 38-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 193
4 3-4
Fluid Flow
Factors affecting the speed of sound
Structure and turbulent flow
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

State factors that affect the speed of sound

Describe the streamline and turbulent flow

Discussing how different aspects of nature affects the speed of sound

Observing and defining
Streamline and turbulent flow

Sources of sound

Pipes of varying diameter
Sheet of paper
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 78-79
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 38-39
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 193
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 81
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 204-208 
4 5
Fluid Flow
Structure and turbulent flow
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe the streamline and turbulent flow

Observing and defining
Streamline and turbulent flow

Pipes of varying diameter
Sheet of paper
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 81
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 204-208 
5 1
Fluid Flow
Equation of continuity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Derive the equation of continuity

Deriving the equation of continuity

pipes of varying diameter
charts on equation of continuity
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 82
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 210-215 
5 2
Fluid Flow
Bernoulli?s effect
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to illustrate Benoullli?s effect

Illustrating Bernoulli?s effect by experiments

Paper funnel
Plane paper
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 83-84
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 215-221
5 3-4
Fluid Flow
Bernoulli?s effect
Application of Bernoulli?s effect
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to illustrate Benoullli?s effect

Describe where Bernoulli?s effect is applied such as in the Bunsen burner, spray gun, carburetor, aerofoil and spinning ball

Illustrating Bernoulli?s effect by experiments

Describing the application of Bernoulli?s principle

Paper funnel
Plane paper

Bunsen burner
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 83-84
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 215-221
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 84-87
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 221-231 
5 5
Fluid Flow
Application of Bernoulli?s effect
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe where Bernoulli?s effect is applied such as in the Bunsen burner, spray gun, carburetor, aerofoil and spinning ball

Describing the application of Bernoulli?s principle

Bunsen burner
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 84-87
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 221-231 
6 1
Linear Motion
Introduction of linear motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Define distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration

Defining distance, speed, displacement, velocity and acceleration

Charts on motion
Inclined planes
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 1
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 1-7 
6 2
Linear Motion
Determining velocity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to determine velocity

Describing experiments on velocity

Stop watches
Graph paper
Ticker timer
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 4-6 
6 3-4
Linear Motion
Determining velocity
Motion time graphs
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to determine velocity

Plot and explain motion time graphs

Describing experiments on velocity

Plotting and interpreting motion-time graphs

Stop watches
Graph paper
Ticker timer

Appropriate charts on velocity time and distance graphs
Graph paper
Data showing different distance, velocity and time
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 4-6 
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 5-9
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 8-18
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 4-6 




9 1
Linear Motion
Measuring speed, velocity and acceleration
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe experiments to determine and measure speed, velocity and acceleration

Describing experiments to determine and measure speed velocity & acceleration

Ticker timer
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 18-25 
9 2
Linear Motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe acceleration

Describing acceleration
Problem solving

Charts on acceleration
Data on velocity and time
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 7-8 
9 3-4
Linear Motion
Equations of motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe acceleration

Derive and apply the equations of uniform acceleration

Describing acceleration
Problem solving

Stating the equations of motion
Deriving the equations of motion
Applying the equations of motion

Charts on acceleration
Data on velocity and time

Worked examples on motion
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 7-8 
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 7-9
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages3-5
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 26-29 
9 5
Linear Motion
Equations of motion
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Derive and apply the equations of uniform acceleration

Stating the equations of motion
Deriving the equations of motion
Applying the equations of motion

Worked examples on motion
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 7-9
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages3-5
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 26-29 
10 1
Linear Motion
Acceleration due to gravity
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Determine acceleration due to gravity by free-fall and simple pendulum

Determining acceleration by tree-fall and pendulum method

Pendulum bob
Stop watches
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 3-5
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages1-3
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 29-36 
10 2
Refraction Of Light
The meaning of refraction
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe simple experiments to illustrate refraction of light

Experiments demonstrating refraction of light

Stick or glass rod
Glass blocks
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 11-12
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 41-46
10 3-4
Refraction Of Light
The meaning of refraction
Laws of refraction
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Describe simple experiments to illustrate refraction of light

State the laws of refraction and define refractive index

Experiments demonstrating refraction of light

Discovering Snell?s law of refraction through experiments
Defining refractive index
Stating the laws of refraction

Stick or glass rod
Glass blocks

Glass blocks
Soft board
Plain paper
Geometric set
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 11-12
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 41-46
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 12-14
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 47-61 
10 5
Refraction Of Light
Refractive index
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Determine the refractive index of a given substance

Experiments to determine the refractive index of rates and glass by real and apparent depth method

Plain papers
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 14-15
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 61-68
11 1
Refraction Of Light
Application of a total internal reflection in a prism periscope, optical fibre
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the working of a prisms and optical fibres among other applications

Making a periscope
Discussion on working of an optical fibre

Charts on total internal reflection and applications
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 18-19
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 76-79 
11 2
Refraction Of Light
Application of a total internal reflection in a prism periscope, optical fibre
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the working of a prisms and optical fibres among other applications

Making a periscope
Discussion on working of an optical fibre

Charts on total internal reflection and applications
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 18-19
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 76-79 
11 3-4
Refraction Of Light
Application of a total internal reflection in a prism periscope, optical fibre
Dispersion of white light and recombination of colors of the spectrum
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Explain the working of a prisms and optical fibres among other applications

Describe an experiment to illustrate the dispersion of light

Making a periscope
Discussion on working of an optical fibre

Experiment on dispersion of light using glass prisms

Charts on total internal reflection and applications

Triangular glass prisms
Source of light
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 18-19
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 76-79 
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 19-20
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 79-89
11 5
Refraction Of Light
Problems of refractive index and critical angle
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Solve problems involving the refractive index and critical angle

Discussions and problem solving in critical angle using the formulae sin C=i/n and n=sin i/sin r

Review questions
Past exams
Examples in the topic
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 21-22
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages6-9
Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 82-86

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