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2 | 1 |
Pathway choices
Pathway Choices |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-State the meaning of a Career Pathway -Identify factors to consider In the selection of a pathway - Draw a poster Showing factors to Consider in the Selection of a pathway - Acknowledge the factors to consider in the selection of a pathway. -Identify various Pathways and their respective requirements -Examine Pathways and their respective requirements -Create chat showing various pathways and their respective requirements -Acknowledge various pathways and their respective requirements |
-The leaner is guided to brainstorm the meaning of Career Path
-The leaner is guided to discuss factor to Consider in the selection of pathway -Learners are guided in groups to draw a Poster showing factors to consider in the selection of a pathway -The Leaner is guided to identify various pathways and their respective requirements. -Learners are guided groups to Create a Chart showing various path ways and their respective requirements. |
what is a career Pathways?
-Course book
-Chart --Digital devices. -Computing devices |
-Oral questions
-Oral report
2 | 2 |
Requirements for social sciences pathway at senior school
Pathway choices -possible track within a pathway at senior school |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
- Examine requirements for Social Sciences Pathway at Senior School -Create a Chart showing social Sciences and the requirements -Appreciate requirements for Social Sciences Pathway at senior School -Identify a possible track within a pathway at senior school -choose a possible tracks within a Pathway at Senior school -Appreciate a Possible tracks within a Pathway at senior school |
-The learner is guided to examine requirements for Social Sciences Pathway
at senior school. -In groups learners are guided to create and display Charts showing social sciences pathways and the requirements. -The Leaner, is guided to identify a possible track within a pathway at senior school - in groups learners are guided to Choose a possible tract within a Pathway at senior School |
what are the requirements for Social Sciences pathway at senior school?
- course book
-Chart -Computing devices - course book -Computing devices |
-Oral questions
-Oral report
2 | 3 |
Pre-career support systems (psycho social, social mentorship or coaching, spiritual career support system)
Pre-career support systems (psycho social, social mentorship or coaching, spiritual career support system) |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the meaning of support systems -Explore and use support systems for pre career and other needs -Describe the effective use of different support systems for pre career and other needs. -Appreciate the value of support systems for pre career and other needs -Identify challenges arising from existing support systems for pre career and other needs -Analyze challenges arising from existing support systems for pre career and other needs -Create a chart showing challenges arising from existing support systems for pre -career and other needs -Desire to analyze challenges arising from existing support systems for pre career and other needs |
-The learner is guided to define support systems and also use support systems for pre career and other needs
-learners in groups are guided to describe effective use of different support systems for pre career and other needs -The learner is guided to brainstorm on challenges arising from involvement in existing pre career support system. -The learners in groups are guided to create charts showing challenges arising from involvement in existing pre career support systems |
What is support system?
-Course book
-Computing devices Char - course book -Chart |
-Oral questions
-Oral report
2 | 4 |
Pre-career support systems (psycho social, social mentorship or coaching, spiritual career support system)
Pre-career support systems |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Design solutions to challenges arising from support systems -Define solutions to challenges arising from support systems -Appreciate solutions to challenges arising from support systems -define the term pre career mapping -Explain the significance of pre career mapping for individual growth -Demonstrate the significance of pre mapping for individual growth -Appreciate the value of pre career support systems |
--The learner is guided to design solutions to challenges arising from support systems
In groups learners are guided to search for solutions to challenges arising from preexisting career support systems . -The learner is guided to define pre career mapping -in groups learners are guided to demonstrate The significance of pre career mapping for individual growth |
What is the solution to challenges arising from support systems?
- course book
-Computing devices -Chart - course book |
-Oral questions
-Oral report
3 | 1 |
Community service learning
Community service learning project |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-describe the community service learning -Identify a problem in the community -Create a chart showing the identified problem or gap in the community -Desire to identify a problem in the community -discuss and adapt on identified problem or gap for the class project and state the tittle -Create a chart showing identified problem or gap for the class project and sate the tittle -Appreciate the identified problem or gap for the class project |
-learner is guided to brainstorm and identify problem or gap in their community that need attention.
-in groups learner s are guided to create a Chart showing The identified problem or gap in The community -learner is guided to discuss and adapt on identified problem or gap for class or group project and state The project title -learner is guided to create a Chart showing identified problem or gap for class project and state The title |
What is community service learning?
-Course book
-Computing devices -Chart |
-Oral questions
-Oral report
3-8 |
Midterm |
8 | 3 |
Community service learning project
Community service learning project |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-describe the problem or gap and the statement of the problem -Authenticate the problem or gap and write down the statement of the problem -Appreciate the problem or gap and the statement of the problem -describe a solution to the identified problem -Design a solution to the identified problem -Appreciate team work in designing a solution to the identified project |
-learner is guided to describe The problem or gap and The statement of The problem
-in groups learners are guided to write down The statement of The problem(a small description of The identified problem) -The learner is guided to describe a solution to The identified problem -in groups learners are guided to design a solution to The identified problem -in groups learners are guided to design a solution to he identified problem. |
What is the statement of the problem in a project?
-course book
-Computing devices chart -Course book -Chart |
-Oral questions
-Oral report
8 | 4 |
Community service learning projects
Community service learning project |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-identify a plan to solve the identified problem in the community. - Plan to solve the identified problem in the community. - Appreciate the Plan to solve the identified problem in the community. -describe the procedure to follow when implementing the plan to solve the problem. - Implement the plan to solve the problem - desire to implement the plan to solve the problem. |
-The learner is guided to identify a plan to solve The identified problem.
- in groups, learners are guided to plan to solve The identified problem in The community -The learner is guided to describe the procedure to follow when implementing the plan to solve the problem -in groups, learners are guided to implement the plan to solve the problem. |
What is the plan to solve the identified problem in the community?
-Course book
-Computing devices -Chart - course book -Computin devices |
-Oral question
-Oral report
9 | 1 |
Community service learning project
Community service learning project. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-describe the procedure of writing a report on the concluded project. - Write a report on the concluded project. -Appreciate. The report on the concluded projects -describe the whole process of the class project and lesson learned. - create a chart showing the whole process of the class project and the lessons learnt . -appreciate the whole process of the class project and the lessons learnt. |
-the learner is guided to describe the procedure of writing a report on the concluded project.
- In groups, learners are guided to write a report on the concluded project -The learner is guided to describe The whole process of The class project and The lessons learnt -in groups learners are guided to create a chat showing The whole process of The class project and The lessons learnt |
What is report?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
9 | 2 |
Social economic practices of early humans
Social economic practices of early humans -Middle |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone age period. -Create a chart showing socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early stone age period. -Appreciate socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone Age period. -describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle stone age period. -Use a chart to show socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle a Stone Age period - appreciate socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle stone age period. |
-The learner is guided to describe socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone age period
- in groups learners are guided to create a chat showing socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during The early Stone age period. -The learner is guided to describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle Stone age period. - In groups, learners are guided to use a chat to show socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the Middle Stone A |
What are socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone Age period?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
9 | 3 |
Social economic practices of early humans
Social economic practices of early humans -Early -Middle -Late |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the late Stone Age period. - Create a poster showing socioeconomic practices in Africa during the late Stone Age period. - Appreciate socioeconomic practices in Africa during the late Stone age period. -Describe the relevance of social-economic practices of early humans in the modern society. - Debate on the relevance of social-economic practices of value humans in the modern society. -Appreciate the relevance of social-economic practices of early humans in the modern society. |
-The learner is guided to describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the late Stone Age period.
- In groups, learners are guided to create a poster showing socioeconomic practices in Africa during the late stone age period. -The learner is guided to brainstorm on the social-economic practices of early humans during the stone age period. - In groups, learners are guided to debate on the relevance of socioeconomic practices of early humans in the modern society. |
What are socioeconomic practices of early humans during the late Stone Age?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
9 | 4 |
Social economic practices of early humans
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify different types of tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period. - Examine different types of tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period -Appreciate different types of tools used by early humans during the Stone age period. |
-The learner is guided to identify different types of tools used by early humans. during The Stone age period.
- in groups, learners are guided to examine different types of tools used by early humans during The Stone age period. |
What were the tools used by Early humans during the Stone Age period?
- course book
-Computing devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
10 | 1 |
Social economic practices of early humans
Social economic practices of early humans -Early -Middle -Late |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
1. -Describe the tools used by early humans during the stone Age period -Illustrate the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period. - Appreciate the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period. -Discuss reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology - Create a chart showing reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology. - Appreciate reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology. |
-The learner is guided to describe the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period.
-In pairs learners are guided to illustrate the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period. -The learner is guided to discuss reasons why Africa is regarded as the birth place of human technology. -In pairs learners are guided to create a chat showing reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology. |
What were the tools used by early humans during the stone age period?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
10 | 2 |
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies.
-Agriculture, -medicine
Indigenous knowledge systems in african societies -Climate -Technology |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Identify agriculture and medicine as types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies for self-identity -Create a chat showing agriculture and medicine as types of indigenous knowledge systems in Africa society for Self Identity -Appreciate indigenous knowledge systems in African society for Self identity. -Describe climate and technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies for self-identity. -Debate on climate and technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity -Appreciate indigenous knowledge systems in African society For self identity. |
-The learner is gated to identify agriculture and medicine types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity.
- Learners in groups are guided to create a chat showing agriculture and ,medicine as types of indigenous knowledge sys -The learner is guided to identify. To describe. Technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity. - In groups, learners all guided to debate on climate and technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity. |
What is indigenous knowledge systems?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
10 | 3 |
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies
-Conservation types of indigenous knowledge
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies -Astronomy -Religion -Arts |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Describe education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies. - Create a chat showing education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies. -Appreciate education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African Society for self identity -Describe astronomy, religious and Earth types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity -Debate on Astronomy, religion and Arts types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity -Appreciate Astronomy, religion, and art types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity. |
-The learner is guided to describe education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society.
- Learners in groups are guided to create a chat showing education and environmental conservation types of indigenous kno -The learner is guided to describe astronomy, religion, and art types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity -In groups, Learners are guided to debate on astronomy, religion, and art types of indigenous knowledge systems in |
How does indigenous knowledge influence the modern society?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
10 | 4 |
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies
Indigenous knowledge systems in african societies |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Explain how indigenous knowledge systems were used for the sustainability of life. - Create a chart showing how the indigenous knowledge systems were used for sustainability of life. - Appreciate indigenous knowledge systems were used for the sustainability of life. -Describe what is decision making. - Use indigenous and modern knowledge systems for effective decision making in life. -Appreciating indigenous and modern knowledge systems for effective decision making in life. |
-The learner is guided to explain how indigenous knowledge systems were used for the sustainability of life .
-In groups, learners are guided to create a chat showing how indigenous knowledge systems were used for the sustainability. -The learner is guided to explain what is decision making. - in groups, learners are guided to use indigenous and modern knowledge systems for effective decision making in life. |
How was indigenous knowledge system used for sustainability of life?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
11 | 1 |
Indigenous knowledge systems in african societies
Poverty reduction |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Discuss how indigenous knowledge influence the modern society . -Debate on how the indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society . -Appreciate how indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society -Define the term poverty. -Explain the causes of poverty in Africa. -Create a poster on causes of poverty in Africa. -Desire to learn more on causes of poverty in Africa. |
-The learner is guided to discuss how the indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society.
-In groups, learners are guided to debate on how the indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society. -The learner is guided to define The term poverty and explain The causes of poverty in Africa. - learners in groups are guided to create a poster on causes of poverty in Africa. |
How does indigenous knowledge influence the modern society?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
11 | 2 |
Poverty reduction
Poverty reduction |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Describe what is over exploitation of natural resources - Examine the effects of exploitation of natural resources on poverty in Africa. -Create a chat showing effects of over-exploitation of natural resources on poverty in Africa. - Desire to learn more on effects of exploitation of natural resources on poverty in Africa. -Identify creative thinking skills that reduce poverty in the society. -Apply creative thinking skills to reduce poverty in the society. -Appreciate creative thinking skills to reduce poverty in the society. |
-The learner is guided to describe what is of exploitation of natural resources and to examine the effects of exploitation of natural resources on poverty.
- In groups, learners are guidance to create a chart on effects of exploitation of natural resource -The learner is guided to identify creative thinking skills that reduce poverty in the society. - In groups, learners are guided to apply creative thinking skills to reduce poverty in the society. |
What is over exploitation of natural
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
11 | 3 |
Poverty reduction
Poverty reduction |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Describe measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty. -Debate on measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty -Appreciate measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty. -Describe the procedure of writing a report on solutions to poverty reduction. - Write a report on solutions to poverty reduction. -Desire to write a report on solutions to poverty reduction. |
-learner is guided to describe measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty
-in groups learners are guided to debate on measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty -The learner is guided to describe the procedure of writing a report on Solutions to poverty reduction. - In groups, learners are guided to write a report on solutions to poverty reduction. |
What are the measures taken by the African governments to reduce poverty?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
11 | 4 |
Population structure
Population structure in Kenya |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the term data - Identify sources of population data in a country. -Debate on the sources of population data in a country - Appreciate on the sources of population data in a country. -Explain factors determining population structure in Kenya. - Create a chart showing factors determining population structure in Kenya. -Appreciate factors determining population structure in Kenya. |
-The learner is guided to define the term data
-In groups, learners are guided to identify and debate on the sources of population data in the country. -The learner is guided to explain factors determining population structure in Kenya. - In groups learners Are guided to create a chart showing factors determining population structure in Kenya. |
What is population data?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
12 | 1 |
Population structure in Germany
Population structure |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Explain factors determining population structure in Germany. - Create a chart showing factors determining population structure in Germany. -Appreciate factors determining population structure in Germany. -Describe what is population pyramid -Construct age-sex population pyramids of developed countries. -Appreciate population pyramids of developed countries. |
-The learner is guided to explain factors determining population structure in Germany
- in groups, learners are guided to create a Chart showing factors determining population structure in Germany. -The learner is guided to describe what is population pyramid -Learners in groups are guided to construct age-sex population pyramids of developed countries. |
What factors determine population structure in Germany ?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
12 | 2 |
Population structure
Population structure |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Describe age -sex population pyramids of developed countries. -Construct age-sex population pyramids of developing countries. -Appreciate age-sex population pyramids of developing countries. -Determine the significance of population structure in the distribution of natural resources in a society. -Create a poster showing significance of population structure and distribution of natural resources in a society -Appreciate significance of population structure and distribution of natural resources in the society. |
-the learner is guided to describe age sex population pyramids of developing countries.
-Learners in groups are guided to construct age-sex population pyramids of developing countries. -learner is guided to determine The significance of population structure in The distribution of natural resources in a society. -learners in groups are guided to create a poster showing significance of population structure in distribution of natural resources in The society. |
. What is age-sex population pyramid?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
12 | 3 |
Population structure
Peaceful resolution |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Describe the differences in population structure of developed and developing countries for sustainable development. -Create a poster on differences in population structure of developed and developing countries for sustainable development. - define the term peace - Explain Types of peace for sustainable natural social interactions. - Create a poster showing types of Peace for sustainable social interactions. -Embrace types of peace for sustainable social interactions. |
-The learner is guided to describe The difference in population structure of developed and developing countries for sustainable development.
- The learner in groups are guided to create a poster on differences in population structure of developed and developing countries for sustainable development. -learner is guided to define The term peace and explain types of peace for sustainable social interaction -in groups learners are guided to create a poster showing types of peace for sustainable social interactions |
What are the differences in population structure of developed and developing countries?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart -Digital devices |
- oral question
-Oral report
12 | 4 |
Peaceful conflict resolution
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
-Define the term conflict. -Identify barriers to Conflict resolution in day to day life. -Debate on barriers to conflict resolution in day to day life . -Desire to identify barriers to conflict resolution in day to day life. |
-learner is guided to
Use print resources to search for barriers to conflict resolution and present in the class - In groups learners are guided to debate on barriers to conflict resolution in day to day life. |
What is conflict?
- course book
-Computin devices -Chart |
- oral question
-Oral report
Your Name Comes Here