
Social Studies
Grade 9 2025

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2 1
Pathway choices
Pathway Choices
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-State the meaning of a Career Pathway
-Identify factors to consider In the selection of a pathway
- Draw a poster Showing factors to Consider in the Selection of a pathway
- Acknowledge the factors to consider in the selection of a pathway.
-Identify various Pathways and their respective requirements
-Examine Pathways and their respective requirements
-Create chat showing various pathways and their respective requirements
various pathways and their respective requirements
-The leaner is guided to brainstorm the meaning of Career Path
-The leaner is guided to discuss factor to Consider in the selection of pathway
-Learners are guided in groups to draw a Poster showing factors to consider in the selection of a pathway

-The Leaner is guided to identify various pathways and their respective requirements.
-Learners are guided groups to Create a Chart showing various path ways and
their respective requirements.
what is a career Pathways?
-Course book
-Computing devices
-Oral questions -Oral report -Observation
2 2
Requirements for social sciences pathway at senior school
Pathway choices -possible track within a pathway at senior school
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
- Examine requirements for Social Sciences Pathway at Senior School
-Create a Chart showing social Sciences and the requirements
-Appreciate requirements for Social Sciences Pathway at senior School
-Identify a possible track within a pathway at senior school
-choose a possible tracks within a Pathway at Senior school
-Appreciate a Possible tracks within a Pathway at senior school
-The learner is guided to examine requirements for Social Sciences Pathway
at senior school.
-In groups
learners are guided to create and display Charts showing social sciences pathways and the requirements.
-The Leaner, is guided to identify a possible track within a pathway at senior school
- in groups learners are guided to Choose a possible tract within a Pathway at senior School
what are the requirements for Social Sciences pathway at senior school?
- course book
-Computing devices
- course book
-Computing devices
-Oral questions -Oral report -Observation
2 3
Pre-career support systems (psycho social, social mentorship or coaching, spiritual career support system)
Pre-career support systems (psycho social, social mentorship or coaching, spiritual career support system)
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the meaning of support systems
-Explore and use support systems for pre career and other needs
-Describe the effective use of different support systems for pre career and other needs.
-Appreciate the value of support systems for pre career and other needs

-Identify challenges arising from existing support systems for pre career and other needs
-Analyze challenges arising from existing support systems for pre career and other needs
-Create a chart showing challenges arising from existing support systems for pre -career and other needs
-Desire to analyze challenges arising from existing support systems for pre career and other needs
-The learner is guided to define support systems and also use support systems for pre career and other needs
-learners in groups are guided to describe effective use of different support systems for pre career and other needs
-The learner is guided to brainstorm on challenges arising from involvement in existing pre career support system.
-The learners in groups are guided to create charts showing challenges arising from involvement in existing pre career support systems
What is support system?
-Course book
-Computing devices
- course book
-Oral questions -Oral report -observation
2 4
Pre-career support systems (psycho social, social mentorship or coaching, spiritual career support system)
Pre-career support systems
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Design solutions to challenges arising from support systems
-Define solutions to challenges arising from support systems
-Appreciate solutions to challenges arising from support systems
-define the term pre career mapping
-Explain the significance of pre career mapping for individual growth
-Demonstrate the significance of pre mapping for individual growth
-Appreciate the value of pre career support systems
--The learner is guided to design solutions to challenges arising from support systems
In groups learners are guided to search for solutions to challenges arising from preexisting career support systems .
-The learner is guided to define pre career mapping
-in groups learners are guided to demonstrate The significance of pre career mapping for individual growth
What is the solution to challenges arising from support systems?
- course book
-Computing devices
- course book
-Oral questions -Oral report -Observation
3 1
Community service learning project
Community service learning project
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-describe the community service learning
-Identify a problem in the community
-Create a chart showing the identified problem or gap in the community
-Desire to identify a problem in the community
-discuss and adapt on identified problem or gap for the class project and state the tittle
-Create a chart showing identified problem or gap for the class project and sate the tittle
-Appreciate the identified problem or gap for the class project
-learner is guided to brainstorm and identify problem or gap in their community that need attention.
-in groups learner s are guided to create a Chart showing The identified problem or gap in The community
-learner is guided to discuss and adapt on identified problem or gap for class or group project and state The project title
-learner is guided to create a Chart showing identified problem or gap for class project and state The title
What is community service learning?
-Course book
-Computing devices
-Oral questions -Oral report -observation


8 3
Community service learning project
Community service learning project
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-describe the problem or gap and the statement of the problem
-Authenticate the problem or gap and write down the statement of the problem
-Appreciate the problem or gap and the statement of the problem
-describe a solution to the identified problem
-Design a solution to the identified problem
-Appreciate team work in designing a solution to the identified project
-learner is guided to describe The problem or gap and The statement of The problem
-in groups learners are guided to write down The statement of The problem(a small description of The identified problem)
-The learner is guided to describe a solution to The identified problem
-in groups learners are guided to design a solution to The identified problem
-in groups learners are guided to design a solution to he identified problem.
What is the statement of the problem in a project?
-course book
-Computing devices
-Course book
-Oral questions -Oral report -observation
8 4
Community service learning projects
Community service learning project
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-identify a plan to solve the identified problem in the community.
- Plan to solve the identified problem in the community.
- Appreciate the
Plan to solve
the identified problem in the community.
-describe the procedure to follow when implementing the plan to solve the problem.
- Implement the plan to solve the problem
- desire to implement the plan to solve the problem.
-The learner is guided to identify a plan to solve The identified problem.
- in groups, learners are guided to plan to solve The identified problem in The community
-The learner is guided to describe the procedure to follow when implementing the plan to solve the problem
-in groups, learners are guided to implement the plan to solve the problem.
What is the plan to solve the identified problem in the community?
-Course book
-Computing devices
- course book
-Computin devices
-Oral question -Oral report -observation
9 1
Community service learning project
Community service learning project.
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-describe the procedure of writing a report on the concluded project.
- Write a report on the concluded project.
-Appreciate. The report on the concluded projects
-describe the whole process of the class project and lesson learned.
- create a chart showing the whole process of the class project and the lessons learnt .
-appreciate the whole process of the class project and the lessons learnt.
-the learner is guided to describe the procedure of writing a report on the concluded project.
- In groups, learners are guided to write a report on the concluded project
-The learner is guided to describe The whole process of The class project and The lessons learnt
-in groups learners are guided to create a chat showing The whole process of The class project and The lessons learnt
What is report?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
9 2
Social economic practices of early humans -Early
Social economic practices of early humans -Middle
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone age period.
-Create a chart showing socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early stone age period.
-Appreciate socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone Age period.
-describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle stone age period.
-Use a chart to show socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle a Stone Age period
- appreciate socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle stone age period.
-The learner is guided to describe socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone age period
- in groups learners are guided to create a chat showing socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during The early Stone age period.
-The learner is guided to describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the middle Stone age period.
- In groups, learners are guided to use a chat to show socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the Middle Stone A
What are socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during early Stone Age period?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
9 3
Social economic practices of early humans -late
Social economic practices of early humans -Early -Middle -Late
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the late Stone Age period.
- Create a poster showing socioeconomic practices in Africa during the late Stone Age period.
- Appreciate socioeconomic practices in Africa during the late Stone age period.
-Describe the relevance of social-economic practices of early humans in the modern society.
- Debate on the relevance of social-economic practices of value humans in the modern society.
-Appreciate the relevance of social-economic practices of early humans in the modern society.
-The learner is guided to describe the socioeconomic practices of early humans in Africa during the late Stone Age period.
- In groups, learners are guided to create a poster showing socioeconomic practices in Africa during the late stone age period.
-The learner is guided to brainstorm on the social-economic practices of early humans during the stone age period.
- In groups, learners are guided to debate on the relevance of socioeconomic practices of early humans in the modern society.
What are socioeconomic practices of early humans during the late Stone Age?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
9 4
Social economic practices of early humans -Early -Middle -Late
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Identify different types of tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period.
- Examine different types of tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period
-Appreciate different types of tools used by early humans during the Stone age period.
-The learner is guided to identify different types of tools used by early humans. during The Stone age period.
- in groups, learners are guided to examine different types of tools used by early humans during The Stone age period.
What were the tools used by Early humans during the Stone Age period?
- course book
-Computing devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
10 1
Social economic practices of early humans -Early -Middle -Late
Social economic practices of early humans -Early -Middle -Late
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe the tools used by early humans during the stone Age period
-Illustrate the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period.
- Appreciate the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period.
-Discuss reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology
- Create a chart showing reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology.
- Appreciate reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology.
-The learner is guided to describe the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period.
-In pairs learners are guided to illustrate the tools used by early humans during the Stone Age period.
-The learner is guided to discuss reasons why Africa is regarded as the birth place of human technology.
-In pairs learners are guided to create a chat showing reasons why Africa is regarded as the birthplace of human technology.
What were the tools used by early humans during the stone age period?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
10 2
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies. -Agriculture, -medicine
Indigenous knowledge systems in african societies -Climate -Technology
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Identify agriculture and medicine as types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies for self-identity
-Create a chat showing agriculture and medicine as types of indigenous knowledge systems in Africa society for Self Identity
-Appreciate indigenous knowledge systems in African society for Self identity.
-Describe climate and technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies for self-identity.
-Debate on climate and technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity
-Appreciate indigenous knowledge systems in African society For self identity.
-The learner is gated to identify agriculture and medicine types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity.
- Learners in groups are guided to create a chat showing agriculture and ,medicine as types of indigenous knowledge sys
-The learner is guided to identify.
To describe. Technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity.
- In groups, learners all guided to debate on climate and technology types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity.
What is indigenous knowledge systems?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
10 3
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies -Education -Conservation types of indigenous knowledge
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies -Astronomy -Religion -Arts
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies.
- Create a chat showing education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African societies.
-Appreciate education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African Society for self identity
-Describe astronomy, religious and Earth types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity
-Debate on Astronomy, religion and Arts types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self-identity
Astronomy, religion, and art types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity.
-The learner is guided to describe education and environmental conservation types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society.
- Learners in groups are guided to create a chat showing education and environmental conservation types of indigenous kno
-The learner is guided to describe astronomy, religion, and art types of indigenous knowledge systems in African society for self identity
-In groups, Learners are guided to debate on astronomy, religion, and art types of indigenous knowledge systems in
How does indigenous knowledge influence the modern society?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
10 4
Indigenous knowledge systems in African societies
Indigenous knowledge systems in african societies
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Explain how indigenous knowledge systems were used for the sustainability of life.
- Create a chart showing how the indigenous knowledge systems were used for sustainability of life.
- Appreciate indigenous knowledge systems
were used for the sustainability of life.
-Describe what is decision making.
- Use indigenous and modern knowledge systems for effective decision making in life.
-Appreciating indigenous and modern knowledge systems for effective decision making in life.
-The learner is guided to explain how indigenous knowledge systems were used for the sustainability of life .
-In groups, learners are guided to create a chat showing how indigenous knowledge systems were used for the sustainability.
-The learner is guided to explain what is decision making.
- in groups, learners are guided to use indigenous and modern knowledge systems for effective decision making in life.
How was indigenous knowledge system used for sustainability of life?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
11 1
Indigenous knowledge systems in african societies
Poverty reduction
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Discuss how indigenous knowledge influence the modern society .
-Debate on how the indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society .
-Appreciate how indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society
-Define the term poverty.
-Explain the causes of poverty in Africa.
-Create a poster on causes of poverty in Africa.
-Desire to learn more on causes of poverty in Africa.
-The learner is guided to discuss how the indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society.
-In groups, learners are guided to debate on how the indigenous knowledge influenced the modern society.
-The learner is guided to define The term poverty and explain The causes of poverty in Africa.
- learners in groups are guided to create a poster on causes of poverty in Africa.
How does indigenous knowledge influence the modern society?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
11 2
Poverty reduction
Poverty reduction
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe what
is over exploitation of natural resources
- Examine the effects of exploitation of natural resources on poverty in Africa.
-Create a chat showing effects of over-exploitation of natural resources on poverty in Africa.
- Desire to learn more on effects of exploitation of natural resources on poverty in Africa.
-Identify creative thinking skills that reduce poverty in the society.
-Apply creative thinking skills to reduce poverty in the society.
-Appreciate creative thinking skills to reduce poverty in the society.
-The learner is guided to describe what is of exploitation of natural resources and to examine the effects of exploitation of natural resources on poverty.
- In groups, learners are guidance to create a chart on effects of exploitation of natural resource
-The learner is guided to identify creative thinking skills that reduce poverty in the society.
- In groups, learners are guided to apply creative thinking skills to reduce poverty in the society.
What is over exploitation of natural Resources?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
11 3
Poverty reduction
Poverty reduction
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty.
-Debate on measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty
-Appreciate measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty.
-Describe the procedure of writing a report on solutions to poverty reduction.
- Write a report on solutions to poverty reduction.
-Desire to write a report on solutions to poverty reduction.
-learner is guided to describe measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty
-in groups learners are guided to debate on measures taken by African governments to reduce poverty
-The learner is guided to describe the procedure of writing a report on Solutions to poverty reduction.
- In groups, learners are guided to write a report on solutions to poverty reduction.
What are the measures taken by the African governments to reduce poverty?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
11 4
Population structure -Kenya -Germany
Population structure in Kenya
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Define the term data
- Identify sources of population data in a country.
-Debate on the sources of population data in a country
- Appreciate on the sources of population data in a country.
-Explain factors determining population structure in Kenya.
- Create a chart showing factors determining population structure in Kenya.
-Appreciate factors determining population structure in Kenya.
-The learner is guided to define the term data
-In groups, learners are guided to identify and debate on the sources of population data in the country.
-The learner is guided to explain factors determining population structure in Kenya.
- In groups learners
Are guided to create a chart showing factors determining population structure in Kenya.
What is population data?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
12 1
Population structure in Germany
Population structure
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Explain factors determining population structure in Germany.
- Create a chart showing factors determining population structure in Germany.
-Appreciate factors determining population structure in Germany.
-Describe what is population pyramid
-Construct age-sex population pyramids of developed countries.
-Appreciate population pyramids of developed countries.
-The learner is guided to explain factors determining population structure in Germany
- in groups, learners are guided to create a Chart showing factors determining population structure in Germany.
-The learner is guided to describe what is population pyramid
-Learners in groups are guided to construct age-sex population pyramids of developed countries.
What factors determine population structure in Germany ?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
12 2
Population structure
Population structure
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe age -sex population pyramids of developed countries.
-Construct age-sex population pyramids of developing countries.
-Appreciate age-sex population pyramids of developing countries.
-Determine the significance of population structure in the distribution of natural resources in a society.
-Create a poster showing significance of population structure and distribution of natural resources in a society
-Appreciate significance of population structure and distribution of natural resources in the society.
-the learner is guided to describe age sex population pyramids of developing countries.
-Learners in groups are guided to construct age-sex population pyramids of developing countries.
-learner is guided to determine The significance of population structure in The distribution of natural resources in a society.
-learners in groups are guided to create a poster showing significance of population structure in distribution of natural resources in The society.
. What is age-sex population pyramid?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
12 3
Population structure
Peaceful resolution
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
-Describe the differences in population structure of developed and developing countries for sustainable development.
-Create a poster on differences in population structure of developed and developing countries for sustainable development.
- define the term peace
- Explain Types of peace for sustainable natural social interactions.
- Create a poster showing types of
Peace for sustainable social interactions.
-Embrace types of peace for sustainable social interactions.
-The learner is guided to describe The difference in population structure of developed and developing countries for sustainable development.
- The learner in groups are guided to create a poster on differences in population structure
of developed and developing countries for sustainable development.
-learner is guided to define The term peace and explain types of peace for sustainable social interaction
-in groups learners are guided to create a poster showing types of peace for sustainable social interactions
What are the differences in population structure of developed and developing countries?
- course book
-Computin devices
-Digital devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation
12 4
Peaceful conflict resolution
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

-Define the term conflict.
-Identify barriers to Conflict resolution in day to day life.
-Debate on barriers to conflict resolution in day to day life .
-Desire to identify barriers to conflict resolution in day to day life.
-learner is guided to
Use print resources to search for barriers to conflict resolution and present in the class
- In groups learners are guided to debate on barriers to conflict resolution in day to day life.
What is conflict?
- course book
-Computin devices
- oral question -Oral report -Observation

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