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School opening and Revision of previous work covered |
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Production of sounds
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Demonstrate that sound is produced by vibrating objects |
Producing sound by vibrating strings, tins and bottles |
Strings Tins Bottles Stick Tuning forks Nails shakers |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 73
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 186-189 93 |
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Nature of sound waves
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe the nature of sound waves |
Describing and observing the characteristics of sound waves using the echo methods to find the speed of sound Discussions |
Open tube Closed tube Strings bottles |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 74-76
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 194 |
3 |
Nature of sound waves
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe the nature of sound waves |
Describing and observing the characteristics of sound waves using the echo methods to find the speed of sound Discussions |
Open tube Closed tube Strings bottles |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 74-76
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 194 |
4-5 |
Sound |
Propagation of sounds
Speed of sound |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
By the end of the the lesson, the learner should be able to: Show that light does not travel in vacuum Determine the speed of sound in air by echo methods |
Demonstrating that sound requires a materials random for perpetration Investigating the factors determining the speed of sound |
Bell jar Vacuum pump Electric bell Stop clock/watch Chart on procedure for formulating the speed of sound |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 74
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 190-193 Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 77-78 Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 37-39 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 190-193 |
3 | 1 |
Factors affecting the speed of sound
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State factors that affect the speed of sound |
Discussing how different aspects of nature affects the speed of sound |
Sources of sound Solid Water Air |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 78-79
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 38-39 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 193 |
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Factors affecting the speed of sound
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State factors that affect the speed of sound |
Discussing how different aspects of nature affects the speed of sound |
Sources of sound Solid Water Air |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 78-79
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 38-39 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 193 |
3 |
Fluid Flow
Structure and turbulent flow
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe the streamline and turbulent flow |
Discussions Observing and defining Streamline and turbulent flow |
Water Pipes of varying diameter Sheet of paper |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 81
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 204-208 |
4-5 |
Fluid Flow
Equation of continuity
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Derive the equation of continuity |
Deriving the equation of continuity Discussions |
pipes of varying diameter charts on equation of continuity |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 82
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 210-215 |
4 | 1 |
Fluid Flow
Bernoulli?s effect
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe experiments to illustrate Benoullli?s effect |
Illustrating Bernoulli?s effect by experiments |
Paper funnel Plane paper |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 83-84
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 215-221 |
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Fluid Flow
Application of Bernoulli?s effect
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe where Bernoulli?s effect is applied such as in the Bunsen burner, spray gun, carburetor, aerofoil and spinning ball |
Describing the application of Bernoulli?s principle |
Bunsen burner |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 2 pages 84-87
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 2 pages 40-42 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 221-231 |
3 |
Linear Motion
Introduction of linear motion
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration |
Defining distance, speed, displacement, velocity and acceleration |
Charts on motion Trolleys Inclined planes |
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 1
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 1-7 |
4-5 |
Linear Motion
Introduction of linear motion
Determining velocity |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration Describe experiments to determine velocity |
Defining distance, speed, displacement, velocity and acceleration Describing experiments on velocity |
Charts on motion Trolleys Inclined planes Trolleys Stop watches Graph paper Ticker timer |
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 1
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 2 page 1-7 Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 2-3 Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 4-6 |
5 | 1 |
Linear Motion
Motion time graphs
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Plot and explain motion time graphs |
Plotting and interpreting motion-time graphs |
Appropriate charts on velocity time and distance graphs Graph paper Data showing different distance, velocity and time |
Comprehensive secondary physics book 3 pages 5-9
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 8-18 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 4-6 |
2 |
Linear Motion
Measuring speed, velocity and acceleration
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe experiments to determine and measure speed, velocity and acceleration |
Describing experiments to determine and measure speed velocity & acceleration |
Graphs Ticker timer Tapes Graphs |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 18-25 |
3 |
Linear Motion
Measuring speed, velocity and acceleration
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe experiments to determine and measure speed, velocity and acceleration |
Describing experiments to determine and measure speed velocity & acceleration |
Graphs Ticker timer Tapes Graphs |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 18-25 |
4-5 |
Linear Motion
Equations of motion |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Describe acceleration Derive and apply the equations of uniform acceleration |
Describing acceleration Problem solving Stating the equations of motion Deriving the equations of motion Applying the equations of motion |
Charts on acceleration Graphs Data on velocity and time Graphs Worked examples on motion |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 2-3
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 7-8 Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 7-9 Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages3-5 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 26-29 |
6 | 1 |
Linear Motion
Acceleration due to gravity
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
; Determine acceleration due to gravity by free-fall and simple pendulum |
Determining acceleration by tree-fall and pendulum method |
Pendulum bob String Stop watches Ticker-timer |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 3-5
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 29-36 |
2 |
Linear Motion
Acceleration due to gravity
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
; Determine acceleration due to gravity by free-fall and simple pendulum |
Determining acceleration by tree-fall and pendulum method |
Pendulum bob String Stop watches Ticker-timer |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 3-5
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages1-3 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 29-36 |
3 |
Newton?s Law?s Of Motion
Newton?s Laws of motion
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State the Newton?s laws of motion State and explain the significance of a Newton?s laws of motion Describe simple experiments to illustrate inertion |
Discussion on Newton?s laws Experiments to illustrate ? Education Plus Agencies Newton?s laws of motion |
Inclined plane Trolley Marbles Spring balances |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 23-27
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 87-102 |
4 |
Newton?s Law Of Motion
Conservation of linear momentum
Elastic collision
Inelastic collision
Recoil velocity
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to: State the law of conservation of momentum Define elastic and inelastic collisions Determine recoil velocity |
Discussions of the laws of conservation of linear momentum Determining recoil velocity |
Marbles Trolleys Meter rules Stop watches Plasticine |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 28-30
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 103-108 |
4-5 |
Newton?s Law Of Motion
Conservation of linear momentum
Elastic collision
Inelastic collision
Recoil velocity
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to: State the law of conservation of momentum Define elastic and inelastic collisions Determine recoil velocity |
Discussions of the laws of conservation of linear momentum Determining recoil velocity |
Marbles Trolleys Meter rules Stop watches Plasticine |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 28-30
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 103-108 |
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9 | 1 |
Newton?s Law Of Motion
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define friction State and explain types of frictions Describe and experiment to illustrate friction and state the applications of friction State laws of friction |
Defining friction Stating and explaining types of frictions Describing an experiment to illustrate friction Stating the applications of the frictions Stating laws of friction |
Block of wood Spring balance Pulley Flat surface |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 28-39
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 109-115 |
2 |
Newton?s Laws Of Motion
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
By the end of the lesson, the leaner should be able to: Define viscosity Explain the concept of terminal velocity |
Distinguishing viscous from- non-viscous liquids Defining viscous liquids Defining and explaining terminal viscosity |
Glycerin Paraffin Water Ball bearings Stat watches Meter rule Measuring cylinders |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages33
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 13-17 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 115-119 |
3 |
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define energy Describe various forms of energy |
Defining energy Stating the forms of energy Identifying and describing energy transformation |
Chart on the forms of energy and transformation |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages34-35
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 17-18 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 121,122-125 |
4-5 |
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Sources of energy Renewable Non-renewable |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define energy Describe various forms of energy Describe renewable and non-renewable sources of energy |
Defining energy Stating the forms of energy Identifying and describing energy transformation Discussion on the sources of energy Descriptions of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy |
Chart on the forms of energy and transformation Chart on the sources of energy |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages34-35
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 17-18 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 121,122-125 Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages41 Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 19-21 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 121,122-125 |
10 | 1 |
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Kinetic energy
Potential energy
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
define power explain the meaning of power potential and kinetic energies distinguish between kinetic energy and potential energy |
Discussion and the meanings of kinetic energy and potential energy Defining power Distinguishing between kinetic energy and potential energy |
Object that can be lifted Spring balance |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 43-45
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 18-22 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 126-132,134-136 |
2 |
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Simple machines
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State and describe the efficiency of various machines |
Discussion on efficiency of different machines Experiments to illustrate efficiency of various machines Problem solving |
Levers Pulleys Inclined planes Strings Masses |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 45-51
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 18-22 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 137-159 |
3 |
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
The law of conservation of energy
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State the laws of conservation of energy Explain the applications of the laws of conservations of energy |
Discussion on the law of conservation of energy |
Chart on the laws of conservation of energy |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 41-42
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 20-21 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 132-134 |
4-5 |
Energy, Work, Power And Machines
Energy, Work, Power And Machines |
The law of conservation of energy
Work |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State the laws of conservation of energy Explain the applications of the laws of conservations of energy Define work Explain the concept of work and energy |
Discussion on the law of conservation of energy Experiment on work done by moving objects through a distance Problem solving |
Chart on the laws of conservation of energy Masses Wooden block Spring balance |
Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 41-42
Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 20-21 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 132-134 Comprehensive secondary physics students book 3 pages 42-43 Comprehensive secondary physics teachers book 3 pages 18-22 Secondary physics KLB students book 3 page 125-132 |
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