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2 | 1 |
Characteristics of plants.
Living and non-living things in our environments
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
strand, Name living and non-living things in the environment. Group things into living and non-living things in the environment. Appreciate the living and non-living things in the environment. |
Learners are guided to name reasons for living and non-living things in the environment.
Learners are guided on how to group living and non-living things in the environment. Learners are guided around the school compound to observe, name and identify living and non-living things in the environment. |
What are living things?
What are non- living things?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
2 | 2 |
Characteristics of plants as living things.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Mention characteristics of plants as living things. Explain and observe what happens when a plant is covered by a clear container. Appreciate plants as living things. |
Learners are guided around the school compound to identify, observe, discuss and take photographs of different plants and show their characteristics.
What makes plants living things?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
2 | 3 |
Characteristics of plants in our environment
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Give reasons why plants are important to the environment. Mention different plants found in the environment. Appreciate the plants in the environment |
Learners are guided to give
reasons why plants are important for the environment. Learners are guided to identify other characteristics of plants on the internet. |
Why should we not cut trees?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
2 | 4 |
Handling plants
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Name safety precautions to observe when handling plants Draw and name items to use when handling plant. Appreciate proper handling of plants. |
Learners are guided to give
reasons why safety is important when handling plants and list items to use when handling plants. |
Why should we be safety precautious when handling plants?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 | 1 |
Growing plants
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Grow some plants found in the locality. Observe, take photographs and record the changes the plants go through as they grow. Enjoy the exercise of planting trees. |
In groups, learners are guided on how to plant trees and observe safety precautions when handling plants (Example: Practice the use of overcoats, forceps, goggles, tongs and gloves)
How should we plant trees?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 | 2 |
Characteristics of animals as living things
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Mention characteristics of animals as living things. Collect, identify and name different foods animals eat. Appreciate animals as living things. |
Learners are guided around the local farm to identify, observe, collect, name and take photographs of different animals, the food they eat and the animal products.
What are the characteristics of animals?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 | 3 |
Characteristics of animals in our environment
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Give reasons why animals are important to the environment. Mention activities of different animals. Appreciate the animals in the environment. |
Learners are guided to give
reasons why animals are important for the environment. Learners are guided to identify other characteristics of animals on the internet. |
Why should we take care of animals in our environment?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
3 | 4 |
Vertebrates and invertebrates
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the meaning of vertebrate and invertebrate. Group animals into vertebrate and invertebrate. Appreciate how animals are different from each other. |
Learners are guided to name vertebrate and invertebrate animals
Learners are guided on how to group vertebrate and invertebrate animals. |
What are vertebrate and invertebrate animals?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 | 1 |
Handling animals
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Name safety precautions to observe when handling animals. Mention ways of keeping safe from dangerous animals Appreciate the reasons for handling animals with care. |
Learners are guided to give
reasons why safety is important when handling animals and list items to use when handling animals |
What ways should animals be handled?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 | 2 |
Air pollution
Meaning of pollution and air pollution
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the meaning of pollution and air pollution. List the things that make the air dirty. Appreciate the need for clean air. |
Learners are guided to define the meaning of air and air pollution from the dictionary or the internet.
What is air pollution?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 | 3 |
Air pollution
Air pollutants in our environment
Clean and polluted air in our environment |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify air pollutants in the environment. Group things that may pollute the air or keep the air clean. Appreciate the need for clean air. Distinguish between clean and polluted air in his/her environment. Discuss in groups what causes pollution. Appreciate the importance of clean air in his/her environment. |
Learners are guided to identify the air pollutants in the environment
In groups, learners to group things that may pollute the air in our environment. Learners can take pictures of clean and polluted areas using computing devices and share the information about pollution in class Learners can search for cause of air pollution in the internet using computing devices and share findings in class |
What are air pollutants in our environment?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
4 | 4 |
Air pollution
Effects of air pollution on living things
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify the effects of air pollution on living things. Observe the effects of air pollution in his/her environment. Appreciate the importance of clean air in his/her environment. |
Learners to be guided to identify the effects of air pollution in the environment and on living things.
Why is clean air important to living things?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 | 1 |
Air pollution
Observing, identifying and recording effects of air pollution on living things in our environment.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline precautions to take when working in an air polluted environment Observe and record the effects of air pollution in his/her environment. Appreciate the importance of clean air in his/her environment. |
Learners to be guided as they use visual aids and digital devices to identify, observe and record air pollutants.
How to observe and record effects of air pollution on living things in our environment?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 | 2 |
Air pollution
Importance of clean air in our environment
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline the importance of clean air in our environment. Give reasons for having a clean environment. Appreciate the importance of clean air in his/her environment. |
In groups, learners are guided to brainstorm importance of clean air to our environment
Learners are guided to discuss the importance of clean air to our environment. |
Why is clean air important to our environment?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 | 3 |
Air pollution
Ways of reducing air pollution
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify ways of reducing air pollution. Mention practices in your environment that are done to reduce air pollution. Appreciate ways of reducing air pollution by avoiding activities that pollute the air. |
Learners are guided to identify and discuss ways of reducing air pollution (Using Ventilation Improved Pit (VIP), Proper disposal of waste, sprinkling ash in pit latrines, Sprinkling water on dusty grounds)
Learners are guided to observe safety precautions when working in air polluted environment. |
What are the ways of reducing air pollution?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
5 | 4 |
Air pollution
An air pollution detector
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Make a functional air pollution detector. Observe and record presence of dust in the environment using air pollution detector. Have fun when making an air pollution detector. |
In groups, learners are guided to make an air pollution detector.
In groups, learners are guided to make observations of the air pollution detector. |
Why is it important to make an air pollution detector?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 | 1 |
Air pollution
A functional dust mask
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Make a functional dust mask using locally available materials. Identify ways in which a dust mask reduces air pollution. Have fun in making a dust mask. |
In groups, learners are guided to make a functional dust mask.
Learners are guided to identify ways in which a dust mask reduces air pollution. |
How can a dust mask reduce air pollution?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 | 2 |
Digital devices
Meaning of digital devices
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the meaning of device and digital. State the meaning of digital device. Appreciate the digital devices. |
Learners are guided to define the meaning of device and digital from the dictionary or the internet
What are digital devices?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 | 3 |
Digital devices
Digital devices in our locality.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify digital devices in his/her locality. Draw and name digital devices in his/her locality. Appreciate the digital devices in his/her locality. |
Learners are guided to identify digital devices in their locality.
In groups, learners are guided to draw and name digital devices found in their locality. |
How to identify digital devices?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
6 | 4 |
Digital devices
Parts of digital devices in our locality.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify different parts of digital devices in his/her locality. Name the parts of a computer in Kiswahili language. Appreciate the digital devices in his/her locality. |
Learners are guided to identify different parts of digital devices.
Learners are guided on how to research parts of a computer in Kiswahili language. |
How to identify different parts of digital devices?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 | 1 |
Digital devices
Functions of the various parts of a digital device
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify functions of the various parts of a digital device. Discuss the functions of the various parts of a digital device. Appreciate the functions of a digital device. |
Learners are guided to identify functions of various parts of a digital device (Hardware, software, power button, monitor)
In groups, learners are guided to discuss the functions of various parts of a digital device. |
What are the functions of different parts of a digital device?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 | 2 |
Digital devices
Functions of the various parts of a digital device
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify functions of the various parts of a digital device. Discuss the functions of the various parts of a digital device. Appreciate the functions of a digital device. |
Learners are guided to identify functions of various parts of a digital device (Processor, keyboard, mouse, cables and wires)
In groups, learners are guided to discuss the functions of various parts of a digital device |
What are the functions of different parts of a digital device?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 | 3 |
Digital devices
Connecting parts of a digital device
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain how to connect parts of a digital device. Demonstrate proper connection of parts of a digital device. Appreciate proper connection of a digital device. |
Learners are guided to explain and demonstrate proper connection of parts of a digital device.
How to connect parts of a digital device?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
7 | 4 |
Digital device
Proper use of digital devices
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain proper use of digital devices in everyday life. Demonstrate proper use of digital devices in everyday life. Appreciate the use of a digital device in everyday life. |
Learners are guided to explain the proper use of digital devices (Desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, television, radio and tablet)
In groups, learners are guided to use digital devices to type messages, take pictures, videos and audios. |
How to use a digital device?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 | 1 |
Digital device
External parts of digital device
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Name the external parts of a mobile phone. Model external parts of a mobile phone from locally available materials. Have fun modelling external parts of a mobile phone. |
Learners to be guided to name the external parts of a mobile phone.
In groups, learners are guided to model the external parts of a mobile phone using ruler, pen, wires, old slippers and razor blade or knife. |
How to model external parts of a mobile phone?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 | 2 |
Meaning of coding
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Define the meaning of coding. Draw and name common signs of coding in his/her locality. Appreciate the use of coding. |
Learners are guided to define the meaning of coding in digital technology from the dictionary or the internet.
Learners are guided to draw and name common signs of coding (Traffic signs) |
What is coding?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 | 3 |
Coded patterns
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify coded patterns. Name locally available coded patterns. Appreciate the use of coded patterns. |
Learner are guided to identify coded patterns such as traffic signs, icons on digital devices, tennis ball, arrangement of leaves, patterns of making nests.
How to identify coded patterns?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
8 | 4 |
Simple puzzle games
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain the rules of a simple puzzle game of his/her choice. Demonstrate playing simple puzzle game of his/her choice. Have fun playing puzzle game. |
In groups, learners are guided to explain the rules of a simple puzzle game and demonstrate playing the puzzle game.
How to play puzzle games?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
9 | 1 |
State of matter
Understanding matter.
The three states of matter
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify the three states of matter in our environment. Explain the shape of the three states of matter in our environment. Appreciate the three states of matter. |
Learners are guided to identify and explain the three states of matter.
In groups, learners are guided to discuss the shape, volume and mass of soil, air and water. |
What are the three states of matter?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
9 | 2 |
States of matter
Characteristics of the three states of matter.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline the characteristics of gases. Explain the characteristics of gases. Appreciate the characteristics of gases. |
Learners are guided to outline the characteristics of gases as one of the state of matter.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate the characteristics of gases using a balloons |
What are the characteristics of gases?
Moran Science and technology
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
9 | 3 |
States of matter
Characteristics of the three states of matter.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline the characteristics of liquids. Explain the characteristics of liquids. Appreciate the characteristics of liquids. |
Learners are guided to outline the characteristics of liquids as one of the state of matter.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate the characteristics of liquids. |
What are the characteristics of liquids?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
9 | 4 |
States of matter
Characteristics of the three states of matter.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline the characteristics of solids. Explain the characteristics of solids. Appreciate the characteristics of solids. |
Learners are guided to outline the characteristics of solids as one of the state of matter.
In groups, learners are guided to investigate the characteristics of solids. |
What are the characteristics of liquids?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
10 | 1 |
States of matter
Three states of matter in our environment
Observing safety when working with different materials. |
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Mention the uses of solids, liquids, gases. Categorize substance in his/her environment into three states of matter. Appreciate the uses of solids, liquids, gases. Identify precautions when handling different substance. Observe safety precautions when handling different substance Appreciate the items used when handling different substance. |
Learners are guided to identify the uses of solids, liquids and gases.
In groups, learners are guided to categorize substances into three states of matter; solids, liquids and gases. Learners are guided as they identify and observe safety precautions when handling different substance |
What are the uses of solids, liquids and gases?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions
Oral reports Observation
10 | 2 |
Properties of matter
Floating and sinking.
Floating and sinking using different materials
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain the meaning of floating and sinking. Demonstrate sinking and floating using different materials. Appreciate floating and sinking. |
Learners are guided to explain the meaning of floating and sinking.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate sinking and floating using different materials. |
What is floating and sinking?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
10 | 3 |
Properties of matter
Objects that can float and those that can sink.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify objects that float and those that can sink in water. Name different materials that sink and float according to the internet. Appreciate objects that can float and those that can sink. |
Learners are guided to identify objects that can float and those that can sink.
How to identify objects that can float and those that can sink?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
10 | 4 |
Properties of matter
Factors affecting floating and sinking in water.
Shape of material
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify how shape of a material affects floating and sinking. Explain how shape of a material affects floating and sinking. Have fun in conducting an experiment to identify how shape of a material affects floating and sinking. |
Learners are guided to identify how shape of a material affects floating and sinking.
In groups, learners are guided how to conduct an experiment to identify how shape of a material affects floating and sinking. |
What factors affect floating and sinking?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
11 | 1 |
Properties of matter
Factors affecting floating and sinking in water.
Type of material
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify how type of material affects floating and sinking. Explain how type of material affects floating and sinking. Have fun in conducting an experiment to identify how type of material affects floating and sinking. |
Learners are guided to identify how type of material affects floating and sinking.
In groups, learners are guided how to conduct an experiment to identify how type of material affects floating and sinking. |
What factors affect floating and sinking?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
11 | 2 |
Properties of matter
Making floaters using locally available materials
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify ways to make floaters to sink. Identify ways to make sinkers to float. Have fun when making a floater to sink and sinkers to float |
In groups, learners are guided how to make floaters to sink and sinkers to float.
How to make floaters to sink and sinkers to float?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
11 | 3 |
Properties of matter
Making a floater from locally available materials
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify ways to make floaters to sink. Make a floater from locally available materials. Have fun when making a floater from locally available materials. |
In groups, learners are guided on how to make floaters using locally available materials.
How to make floaters using locally available materials?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
11 | 4 |
Properties of matter
Floaters as life savers
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify and draw floaters that are used as life savers. Share their experiences of using floaters to swim. Appreciate the uses of floaters as life savers. |
In groups, learners listen to stories and share experiences of using floaters when swimming or witness someone using a floater to swim.
What are floaters used in swimming?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
12 | 1 |
Force and its effects
Meaning of force
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
State the meaning of force. Explain the meaning of force. Appreciate the term force. |
Learners are guided to define the meaning of force from the dictionary or the internet
What is force?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
12 | 2 |
Effects of force on an object
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Explain the effects of force on an object. Demonstrate the effects of force on an object. Appreciate the effects of push and pull. |
In groups, learners are guided to discuss what happens to an object such as a book, desk, table after a push or pull.
In groups, learners are guided to demonstrate the effects of force on an object |
What happens after a pull or push of an object?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
12 | 3 |
Effects of force in everyday life.
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Identify the effects of force on objects in everyday life. Observe the effects of force on objects in everyday life. Appreciate the effects of force in everyday life. |
Learners to be guided as they use visual aids and digital devices to identify and observe the effects of force on objects used in everyday life.
What are the effects of force?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
12 | 4 |
Safety precautions when dealing with force
By the end of the
lesson, the learner
should be able to:
Outline precautions to take when dealing with force Observe safety precautions when dealing with force. Appreciate the items used when handling force. |
Learners to be guided on ways to observe safety precautions when dealing with force.
In groups, learners are guided on the use of wearing leg guards, headgear and gloves when dealing with force |
How to take safety precaution when dealing with force?
Moran Science and technology, Learner
Oral questions Oral reports Observation
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